~Chapter 11~

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Third person's pov

It was the second week of Chuuya and Mori's heat cycle and it doesn't look better for the two of them.

It was concerning their subordinates, mostly little Daiya.

Thr poor little girl doesn't know what's wrong with her mama and grandpa.

So, she did what her mind told her. she went to Dazai's workplace for informations.

" Mama, I'm gonna go to the agency, is that okay?," Daiya asked the man who was sweating so much.

" Of course, princess, I'll ring Hirotsu to take you to the agency," He said and pick up his phone.

" Daiya, I will be here, while you're at the building," Hirotsu said, lighting his ciggar.

" Okay!," She ran inside the building, pressing the button of the elevator.

' I hope Dazai-san knows what's wrong with grandpa or mama,' She thought.

The elevator doors opened and reveal the entrance of the agency.

she knock on the door politely and was opened by the blonde hair male.

" Oh Daiya, what brings you here?, yet again," He asked.

" Is Dazai-san here?, or your boss?," She asked.

" Dazai!, Come here!, You have a guest here," Kunikida yelled for the brunette male, " Please come in, little lady," He said.

Daiya was inside the office yet again.

" Daiya-chan~!We meet again!," The brunette man ran over to her and envelop her into his arms.

" Hi Dazai-san!," She exclaimed.

" Well, what brings you here?," He asked.

" Mama is not feeling too well also Grandpa," She said sadly.

" Who is this 'grandpa'," He asked.

" Mori-san," She said politely.

' WAIT!?,MY LITTLE GIRL, CLOSE TO THE PORT MAFIA BOSS?!,' Dazai thought and composed himself after.

" Well, do you mind telling me how long has this been going?," Dazai asked.

" Well, a week or two, I don't know!," She pouted.

' Is Chuuya and Mori having their heat cycle?, without their alpha?, oh wait,' He was then off from his thoughts.

" I heard Daiya Nakahara is here," A deep alpha voice echo from the director office.

" Yes, she is here, Director," Ranpo appeared behind the older man.

" D-Director," She manage to shutter a word.

" Please, call me Fukuzawa or Yukichi, little one," The man chuckled at the girl's attempt.

" Now, do you mind telling me why you are here?, little one," He asked. kneeling to her height.

" Grandpa and Mama aren't feeling too good, they keep on sweating and keep on asking to go to their room or restroom," Daiya said.

' Sweating?, Going to their respective private rooms?, they must have their heat cycle,' Fukuzawa thought.

" Fukuzawa-san, is there something wrong with my mama and grandpa?," She asked, with teary eyes.

" Nothing is wrong with Mori-sensei or your mother, their just going through something....normal," Fukuzawa said, starting to sweat as well.

' This is something I should not discuss to a child,' He thought.

" Tell you what, Daiya-chan, I can go to your mama and maybe Director can go to Mori-sensei," Dazai said, out of the blue.

" WHAT!?," Kunikida and Fukuzawa exclaimed. their faces red from anger.

" DAZAI!, This is very inpolite!, You would say such thing to the director!," Kunikida started beating the guy.

While Yosano was covering the girl's eyes.

Fukuzawa sighed loudly. Massaging the bridge of his nose. " Alright, Kunikida take in charge, I'll be going over to Mori-sensei's place," Fukuzawa said, grabbing a suitcase from his office.

" Really!,Director!?, He could be plotting something!," Kunikida said.

" I trust this girl here and if she says her grandfather is in pain, then I will help her," Fukuzawa said.

" As I will too," Dazai stood up after getting beaten by kunikida.

" Thank you!," Daiya hugged their legs before leaving the agency. " Mama and Grandpa will see you later!," 

Daiya hurried her way down to the ground floor and still see Hirotsu outside.

" Hirotsu-san, we're done, let's go back to the headquarters," She said.

" Alright, alright, slow down now, little one," Hirotsu said, going inside the limbo. driving back to the headquarters.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now