~Chapter 13~

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Third person's pov

Daiya just woke up from her mini nap session to see her mama and Dazai-san sleeping on the couch.

' Aww, does Mama luv Dazai-san?,' She thought and went to snuggle between them.

' I hope Dazai-san made mama feel better,' She thought and started to fall asleep again.

The ginger haired male felt something between him and Dazai, he peek and saw his little princess snuggled between her two parents.

He sighed and brush her long hair with his fingers.

" Aww, Chuuya I knew you were always made to be a mom~" Dazai said, peeking with one eye.

" Shut up Dazai, before I throw off the window," He sightly yelled, making the child between them whimper in their sleep.

" On the other hand, we made a cute kid," Dazai said, his loving gaze upon the brunette girl.

" Yea, she's an angel that you left behind," Chuuya manage to gave him a death glare.

" Look, What I did in the past was stupid, Okay?, I'll admit it, but I want to be in your life again, in our daughter's life, I want to her grow, find her partner one day, I want to see all of that," Dazai said, genuinely.

" Fine, You may be in our daughter's life but I still can't let you in my life," Chuuya said.

" I was pregnant with nothing, thank god, Boss and Ane-san were there during my whole pregnancy." Chuuya said, manage to let out a sniffle.

" I know, I know, I was a fool and bastard for leaving you," Dazai said, pulling the small male to his arms.

" This time, I won't let anything happen to you or Daiya," He said, " I promise,"

" You better keep it, Dazai,"

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" Mamaaaaaaa~!, I'm hungry~!" Daiya whined, smacking the dinning table due to her hunger.

" Daiya!, Wait for a while princess!," Chuuya said, started to get irriatated again.

' Aww Daiya-chan has my habit of whining!, I knew she had some of my traits,' Dazai thought.

" But mamaaaa, I'm hungry!~" Daiya pouted.

' God she's starting to look like and ACT like that Dazai, I swear I'm gonna go insane if there are two dazais in my life!,' Chuuya thought finishing the curry.

" Yayyy!, Curry night!," Daiya exclaimed.

" Alright alright, Let's get the rice ready and were gonna eat," Chuuya said.

Dazai glance to Daiya and pinch her cheeks. He let go quickly and Daiya rubbed her cheeks.

" You're so cute," He said.

" I know," Daiya said cutely.

" Alright you two, Dinner time!," Chuuya said and place down the three plates.

" Itadakimasu!," The three exclaimed.

Little Daiya digging into the food, exclaiming how good it is.

And after dinner, Dazai had to since he had work on the next day.

" Are you gonna come back?," Daiya asked. Dazai crouch to her height, " Of course, I will,"

" Tell you what, tell your mama or your grandpa to drop of off that cute cafe you want to go always and I'll tell you something important," Dazai said.

" Okay," She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Surprising the male. returned the hug.

" I wish you are my daddy, Dazai-san," She mutter.

' Don't worry Daiya-chan, I'll make it happen,' He thought.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now