~Chapter 5~

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Third person's pov

Today, Daiya is getting a nanny for the moment, since both her mama and grandpa are busy and no one is there to watch her.

So, Sakura, the for the meanwhile nanny is bringing Daiya to her favorite ice cream stall, the ice cream stall that her grandpa would take her.

" What flavor would you like?, Daiya-chan," The woman asked.

" Strawberry please!," the little girl exclaimed.

The woman nodded and check her purse for her wallet, and found that she had no cash.

' Oh no, what am I gonna tell the poor child?,' She thought.

" Hello little girl, would you like an ice cream?," A young man, in his late teens ask the brunette hair girl.

" Strawberry please!," Daiya said. the boy nodded and paid for a pink ice cream.

" Here you go," He gave the ice cream to the excited little girl. She let out happy squeals and thank the young man.

" Thank you!," She said.

" Thank you, child," The woman said.

" No problem ma'am," He said before walking off back to the agency.

" Com'on, Daiya, Your mom must be done of his work," She said, Daiya nodded and the woman thank the young boy once again.

But as expected from Dazai and Chuuya's daughter, she was quite the troublemaker.

" So, Sakura. Where is my princess?," Chuuya asked the woman.

" What do you mean, sir?, she rig-" She glance to her side where Daiya should be. and see she wasn't there.

" Uh-huh?," Chuuya raised an eyebrow glancing to the woman.

" I'll find her sir!," She said, seem to be frighten.

" You better," He said and turn back to his office.

' Where did that cheeky girl go!?,' Sakura thought.

In the Agency(Atsushi's pov)

I was back from the delivering the documents to the cheif of the police, Little did I know a little brunette girl was following me this whole time.

I was back on the second floor of the building.

" Atsushi, Why do you have a child with you?," Kunikida asked, as he saw the little brunette girl behind me.

" Hello!," She exclaimed.

" EH!?, Where did you come from?, and weren't you the same girl from a while ago!?," I asked the little one.

" Yes, I wanted to repay you for your gene- Gene-HMP!," She pouted as she has hard time pronouncing the word.

" Generosity and it's fine little girl," I patted her head.

Daiya placed a bunch of cash on my hand. ' Where did she get all of this?,' I thought.

" Grandpa gave it to me, in case I need something and I wanted to repay you!," She said.

" Oh, who is this little cutie?," A  young woman with a bob haircut asked.

" I'm Daiya!," She exclaimed cutely.

" Ohh, how adorable you are!," Yosano said and pick her up, tickling the girl's stomach.

" Atsushi-kun, who do we have he-" Dazai paused when he saw the same little girl before when he was taking a stroll.

The same girl that was with Mori.

" Dazai-san?, Oh she followed me here to repay me," I said.

The little brunette girl gaze to the other male who shares the same brunette hair as her.

" Look!, We have the same hair color!," She said. running her hand through her long hair.

Awwww, Daiya has met her father, who do you think is gonna reveal the truth?, How will Dazai take it?                                                                                                                                          


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