Chapter 1

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 My husband, my 3 year old, and I were traveling down a backroad in the middle of Georgia on our way to meet up with my family in Tennessee, my husband wanted to take the highway but we later decided it would be to dangerous for us given the fact ...

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My husband, my 3 year old, and I were traveling down a backroad in the middle of Georgia on our way to meet up with my family in Tennessee, my husband wanted to take the highway but we later decided it would be to dangerous for us given the fact that majority of the highways are swarmed with creepers.

On our way down the dense wooded backroad we came across this narrow bridge, while crossing it we stumbled across some cars up ahead that looked abandoned.

Unfortunately given how narrow the bridge is we weren't able to turn around so we ultimately decided to back up, as my husband went to back up 4 men stepped out of the vehicles in front of us, my husband looks at me and tells me to "stay in the car" I nodded and stayed seated.

Watching him slowly walk up to the 4 men, hands raised in a slightly "I surrender" approach.
I couldn't see my husbands facial expressions but I could see the 4 men's and given the looks they were giving me I could already tell this situation was about to get out of control .

Next thing I know my husband reaches down and pulls out his 9mm and points it at who I assume is the leader of the 4 men. Next thing I know there were bullets flying everywhere, I reach back to shield my 3 year old as he was now crying due to the loud noises, as we were ducked down I could hear the bullets hitting the car and imbedding themselves. All of a sudden I hear a yell come from my husband and I shoot up from my downwards position and look out the cracked windshield and I see my husband grasping his left side as blood reddens his shirt. I jump out the car an run to his side seeing as the 4 men are retreating, as I'm checking my husbands wound he grasps my arm in fear as he looks behind me, I turn slowly to match his glare an to my horror I see just why the 4 merry men decided to retreat from their ambush. Creepers ... lots of creepers .... I haven't seen this many since we left the highway entering Georgia.

My husband tells me to run to the car and get our son, I look at him confused as to why he doesn't come with me an then realization hits me .... He's gonna fight them off, to buy me time.
In this moment I felt loved and protected yet sorrow and fear all wrapped in one. The fear bubbling inside me snaps me from my thoughts and I look at him, I look at him like I did the first time we ever met

"Please come with me?" I pleaded

"Anna go we don't have time I'll distract them long enough for you to get our son and head into the woods" he stated.

"I love you more than anything" I whispered kissing him gently on the lips.

"I love you to honey now Run"

I nodded an turned on the balls of my feet and headed straight for the car.

At the car I grab my son and my bow along with our backpacks filled with food.
As I'm grabbing the last of our gear I turn to look for my husband and just as I find him a creeper came up behind him I scream out "AARON BEHIND YOU" but just as I let those fear filled words fall from my mouth just seconds to late a creeper bites into his shoulder an rips a chunk out of his neck.

At that moment the world felt as if it had stopped, I watched as my husband mouthed "run" just as he got dragged to his knees by creepers chomping an chewing like it was their last meal.

Honestly the only thing that snapped me out of my staggered gaze was my son looking up at me as I held him to tightly, but of course if the situation wasn't already messed up my scream from a few minutes ago had caught the attention of some creepers and they are now heading our way.

Reluctantly I went to grab for my bow but realized there was no way I could possibly defend us and carry my son at the same time, so I opted to run through tucking my sons head into my neck while holding the back of his head with my hand, I ran dipping and diving through the mass of creepers, we almost were in the clear when a creeper grabbed my backpack with the strength that I didn't think was possible, pulling me down to the ground.

I throw my forearm up to shield it's teeth while my other arm is so desperately holding on to my son, I use my legs and I kick the creeper off of me and I stand up and start running towards the wooded area.

As I ran through the woods I stopped at a clearing to take a breath an examine us for any injuries, I drop my pack and my bow and I set my son down in a patch of grass in front of me.

Looking down at myself I notice that I had a couple of bumps from falling but it was nothing to serious so I move on to my little one.

Looking him up an down I didn't notice anything at first but as I turned him around I see that his shirt was torn as I lift up his shirt an I see 3 scratch marks and in that moment I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

I had failed .... Not only as a wife but as a mother. I'm a failure I failed to save them and I failed to protect them.
I look at my son with tears in my eyes and I tell him that everything is going to be ok.

I sat with him, hugged him, kissed him, sang to him.
We stayed like that for hours. Soon enough the fever started, wetting a rag I ran it over his head to comfort him. After everything he didn't cry he just looked at me.

For a child so young an pure even in events like this he had no fear. He looks like his father, blue eyes, blonde hair, button nose. So beautiful.

Early evening had come and his fever increased, breathing shallowed. I watched and comforted in anyway I knew how but I knew what was coming next and I dreaded the heart break I'd feel after the events of today.

All of a sudden he looked at me and he said "mama" in the softest of voices an I leaned down to kiss his head.

I started humming his lullaby to him as I rocked him

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear how much I love you
So please don't take my sunshine away"

As I finished with the song I felt his breathing become faster and then he went completely still, an I knew in that one singular moment my entire world was gone.

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