Chapter 20

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I walk back up the stairs pushing past pretty boy Spencer and I make my way into Deanna's house and into her living room.

I hug my bow close, at this point it's become a comfort for me to always have it near given all the close calls we've been having recently.
"Hello, I'm Deanna Monroe an you are?" Deanna states proudly before raising her hand for me to sit in a horrifyingly designed chair.
I take off my bow an I take a seat setting my weapon beside me. "Anna...just Anna." I say quietly hoping Deanna doesn't question my lack of a last name, I never liked my name before my marriage but now that Aaron is gone it just doesn't feel right to continue to use his last name.

Deanna sits down across from me an crosses her legs. "Do you mind if I film this Anna?" She says delicately as if one wrong word might cause me to break. "Why? I mean what's the point everyone who would ever be interested in watching whatever movie you're making is long dead." I snap as I fold my arms an look out the window to try to focus on something other than the reality of what's happening now.

"Well, don't you have quite a mouth on you, to tell you the truth we are all about transparency here. So tell me Anna how long have you been out there with your group?" Deanna questions. I hesitate for a moment because to be honest I'm not really sure, couple of months maybe I mean who can really tell time out here.

"Not long." I deadpan. "Okay well how did you find each other" she asks hoping for a juicy answer.

"I was alone. For a long time then I came across Daryl and he introduced me to the group end of story."  At this point I'm extremely uncomfortable but yet she still continues. "I was a congresswoman 15th district you?" She folds her hands over her knees an stares at me intently. Curiosity fills her eyes. I look down at my feet for a moment, I can't tell her the truth because then it will come out about me being a mom about losing them...... truth is I was a stay at home mom I didn't really do much, I didn't have many friends just one a girl named Megan. "Anna?" Deanna speaks up with concern, I look up and lock eyes but before I could even think my mouth opened "I was a biochemist for military intelligence research for a program based off an offshore outpost"

Really Anna really this should be fucking fun.

Without hesitation Deanna stands up and dismisses our talk. "Well it's good to have someone smart around here I appreciate you coming in to speak with me." She motions for me to follow her and she rests her hand on my shoulder before opening the front door. "Anna you deserve to let yourself breathe, relax." I nod and walk out the door with Deanna. I make brief eye contact with Daryl as we all follow Deanna to the armory where a plump lady stands with a cart. Deanna walks up the stairs to get an overview an says "they are still your guns. You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall. Inside here, we store them for safety."
Everyone gets down putting their weapons on the cart when it comes to my turn. I walk up nervously as I take off my bow, for some reason my eyes searched for someone, the only person who I think would understand and I searched an searched until they landed.....on him. Daryl locks eyes with me and nods signaling the reassurance I needed before gently placing my bow an quiver down along with my hand gun on the cart. I'm not sure why but I have the biggest pit in my stomach almost like an internal black hole that's swirling and sucking everything in, this feeling of dread it feels like something terrible is going to happen.

Little did I know what was to become of us.

A/N word count:948

Hey guys so I know it's been a hot minute since I've updated!! I am alive an well. About 2 months ago my husband an I welcomed our 2nd beautiful son into this world via C-Sectiom lmao I pulled a Lori 😭😂.
Everyone is happy and healthy and I'm officially ready to jump back into writing! I was recently diagnosed with post partum depression so it's taken me a minute to be able to find the energy to get up and be productive, I want to thank everyone who has continued to ready an share, and just genuinely stick by me through this process. I love you guys and I appreciate everything y'all have for the fanfiction thus far!!

Regular updates shall prosper!! Also remember if you guys are ever feeling down or feeling like you want to hurt yourself or someone else please reach out to either me via dms or reach out to your primary care doctor, I know it can be scary infact it took a lot of encouragement from my husband for me to go in and talk about what's been going on so trust me I understand not wanting to ask for help or feeling as if noone would care but I am here to tell you that I care and us here on Wattpad care about you as well. This is family - cue fast& furious theme song-

I love you guys so much and oh how I've missed being here❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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