Chapter 11

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We were driving for a while an I must have fallen asleep because suddenly the car came to a stop. I hear Daryl talking to Carol so I sit up placing my head in between them.

"There's two of 'em. Is that a cop?"

No Daryl that's a kid in a fat suit, yes that's a cop.

A walker slams his hand against my window snarling. Causing me to jump. I go to roll down my window an notice it's locked.

Looking at Daryl I gave him a look that was supposed to come across as a 'unlock the window' look but by the confusion on his face it made me realize I've ultimately failed. 

Lifting myself up I lean over Daryl's body an click the button while sitting back down to look at my window.
I went to click the down button but I hear Daryl click his button first locking it back again. I whip my head around narrowing my eyes at him, I then start clicking my button repeatedly in the most annoying fashion possible.

"Stop it you two we need to focus."

Carol says matter-of-factly looking in between us.

I haven't seen the city since before everything started to go down hill, walking the streets you can see bodies littering the ground in different stages of decomposition.

Carol had suggested we hold up in a familiar place that she knows here in the city so we follow her until we arrive at this brick boarded up building.

Daryl struggles for a moment before prying open the door.

"Come on."

We follow Daryl into the building weapons raised, looking for any sign of danger. As we enter a small room Daryl speaks up out of curiosity.

"You use to work here or sum?"

"Something." Carol says softly.

We move a desk to block one of the entrances, I walk up to a black door, inspecting it Daryl hands me the keys that he picked up off a dead walker, and I open the door walking into a narrow dark hallway.

Entertaining a small bedroom at the end of the hall I see a bunk bed. Looking down on the desk beside the bed I see a book about surviving childhood abuse.
I feel my stomach sink at the realization of why Carol was all to familiar with this place.

I myself am a survivor of childhood abuse, along with domestic violence so knowing that Carol sweet sweet Carol, whom I've started to grow closer to had gone through this made my blood boil.

"What's this place?" Daryl asks looking at Carol.

Carol looks down in almost an ashamed manner an replies.

"It's temporary housing."

I walk over to the chair in the corner an set my bow down as I sit in the chair getting comfortable.

"You came here?" Daryl asks still curious on how Carol is so familiar with this place.

"We didn't stay." She cuts off short.

I don't know what possessed me but I stood up abruptly an within two steps I was in front of Carol, jumping slightly at the sudden movement I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a firm hug. Pulling away from her she looks at me slightly confused an asks.

"What was that for, you're not much of a hugger so it must be serious Anna, are you ok?"

I look at her softly before walking over to the desk and picking up the book, I walk over to her placing it in her hands. She looks at me and I place my hand on my chest as if to tell her that I understand.
She places a hand on my shoulder squeezing ever so gently before saying a thank you an turning around tossing her stuff on the top bunk.

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