Chapter 7

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The leader of the Terminus Sanctuary had the small group cornered, heavily armed men surrounded them aiming their weapons at their heads.

It was silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop, that was until Garett the Leader of the sanctuary spoke up.

"Drop your weapons! NOW!"
Rick glances over at Carl without moving.
"NOW!" Garett screams.

Everyone slowly drops their weapons on to the ground.

"Ringleader go to your left. The train car, go." Garett starts ordering.

"You do what we say the boy goes with you. Anything else he does and you end up in there anyway."

Rick slowly nods at Carl and walks over to the side of the train car.

"Now the Archer."
Daryl walks over to where Rick is an stands behind him.

"Now the Samurai."
Michonne stares at him with a deadly glare before walking off to join Rick an Daryl. 


Rick looks at Carl from a far, than yells out.
"My son!"

Garett let's put a dramatic sigh before saying.

Carl walks over to his dad and they walk into the train car an close the door.


Daryl's POV:

We walked up the stairs into the train car and into the complete darkness, the only light that could shine through are from the very tiny slits in the metal framing.

We were walking to one side of the car when we heard shuffling behind us. We turned around and saw Glenn step forward into the small pieces of light that are shown throughout the car.

"Rick?" Glenn's asks hesitantly.

Rick steps forward and looks him up and down.
"You're here. You're here."
He says glancing around the opposite side of the car where Glenn is standing.

We see Glenn, Bob, Sasha, Maggie, and four unknown people behind them. Looking at the four new people we eye them cautiously, looking them up and down to see if we can sense a threat.

Maggie looks behind her at the four new people an says.
"They're our friends. They helped save us."

After what Maggie said I didn't find room to disagree on them bein our friends so I spoke up with a solid.
"Yeah, now they're friends of ours."

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