Chapter 14

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-The chapter song-
*Without me- Eminem*
Start song when you start reading an end it when you see the (—)

Reaching down to my left pocket, I feel to see if I still have the keys that I swiped off of one of the officers when we were entering the hospital to begin with. Realizing I do, I turn on the balls of my feet and head directly back into the hospital, ignoring the calls that are coming from behind me.

"Let her go." I hear Rick say before I disappear into the doors of the hospital.

I dash quietly around the corner an up the stairs to the first door on my right. I reach down an gather the keys in my hand and I unlock the door.

Peeking around the inside of the door I see a guy standing on gaurd. I sneak up behind him clasping my hand over his mouth to muffle his voice, I take my knife an I slit his throat. I then drag his body over to the hallway closet and I shove him in there.

I make my way to the kitchen, an I take out my 9mm and I put my silencer on the barrel of my gun, I walk into the kitchen, I see two women and a man just chatting. I raise my gun shooting them all in the head, watching their bodies hit the floor one after one.

I back up locking the door an I make my way to the main area where everyone is currently gathered.

Entering the room all heads turn to me an I say.

"Guess who's back." I smile.

I raise up my 9 pointing it at the man beside me.

"Get the fuck over here." I say.
He walks over to me an I grab him pointing my gun to his head.

"Everybody get on your fucking knees, an don't make me fucking ask twice!"

Shepherd looks at me, shock, written all over her face.

"You don't have to do this we won't try anything. You don't have to kill us." She pleaded.

I look her dead in her face turning my head to the side laughing.

"Baby I've killed for much less." I say with a smile on my face.

I won't regret this decision.

They all follow suit getting on their knees. I look to my hostage at nod an I say.

"Tie them all up, an make sure they can't move I will check an if you try an play me I will kill you slowly."

He nods walking over to the rest of the hospital group, tying their hands an feet to together with zip ties, once he was done I walk over checking each person to make sure it's tight as I stand back up I look over at the guy stepping forward hesitantly he reared back with his left hand, lips pulled into a thin line. The brawny muscles in his chest and shoulders constricted as he swung his enormous fist straight at my face.

God your stupid.

He swung forward with his left fist and I easily avoided the hit, parring his move in order to position myself behind him. As the momentum of his strike carried him in front of me I hooked my left arm under his armpit and around to his shoulder. I swung my body around his hooking my leg around his neck an flipping him to the ground an into a head lock, squeezing my legs while twisting forward I snap his neck.

I stand up driving my knife into his temple without hesitation.

I look over back to the group.

"Which one of you mother fuckers almost hit me with the car in the street but got my friend Carol instead?"

A small, timid girl points, her finger at one of the bigger guys at the end of the row.

"You?" I said pointing at him.

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