Chapter 17

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I'm not sure why I woke up but I did, I sit up an I look around everything is dark and everyone is asleep except for Daryl. I make my way down the stairs an over to Daryl who pacing infront of the lightly chained barn doors.

"Why ya up" Daryl grunted as he made his way over to me. "I'm not sure honestly, I just had this weird feeling telling me to wake up." I replied as I started towards the barn doors. "Where da hell do ya think your goin, it's pourin out there." Daryl states more than questions, I look over my shoulder at him as I pick up my bow an quiver. "I'm getting some air, it's stale in here an it smells like the inside of a horses ass with everyone piled so closely together." I smirk at him as I start towards the door, going to unchain the door I look out the crack to see a hoard of walkers just mere feet from us.

"DARYL WALKERS!" My screams woke everyone up, I slam my back against the opening Daryl following suit along with everyone else in the group.

Between the walkers and the wind it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep this door shut. I dig my heels into the dirt to somewhat make a quick pivot to brace myself with my weight against the door.

I can hear the screams of the wind mixed with the snarls of the dead threatening to come inside. Everyone's footing is slipping due to the damp dirt floor, Im struggling to keep balance.

God with the wind this harsh there has to be a tornado out there.

I hate to admit this to myself but I'm actually scared, it's one thing to face walkers but it's a whole other ball game to fight a zombnado, I mean I saw what that sharknado did to those people in the movie an let me tell you I'm not down for this.

Soon enough I hear the all to familiar sound of screeching wind an rumbles of what feels like a train going by. I squeeze my eyes shut hoping for the best, digging my back into the rusted nails on the barn down desperately trying to keep it shut.

As fast as it started it was over the rain stopped an the silence set in. We all just looked at each other, sweat dripping down our faces, we are silent, the quietest we've ever been. Everyone went back to their respective spots an most but not all fell asleep.

After a couple of hours I get up an walk over an sit down by the barn doors shaking off my leather jacket exposing my pasty arms an half sleeve tattoo in the light of the early morning sun rays that breakthrough the cracks of the barn. I look up to see Daryl sit up from his spot to look over at me. He gets up and shuffles over an sits down.

"You can go back an rest Daryl I can take watch, I could hardly sleep anyways after what happened." I whisper. Daryl looks at me an take my arm into his hands. "I've never really noticed these ya know." Daryl says as he traces his fingers over my tattoo. "Well it's probably because i usually where sleeve an I hardly take off my jacket." I smile nudge his shoulder. "Imma go get that fresh air now that it's light out, do you wanna come?" I ask as I start to get up and put in my gear quietly so that I don't wake anyone. Daryl looks up at me "Nah Imma stay an take watch but I need to talk to ya when you get back" I raise my brow at his statement as if to tell him to continue, but he doesn't continue so I just nod an I walk out the door.

Oh boy. Man was I right, damn tornado took out every walker.

I start making my way towards what's left of the tree line, I don't exactly have a destination in mind but anything is better than that small ass barn with no air flow, I mean come on even after a tornado is still smells like something crawled up a a dead rats ass an died.

I wonder what Daryl wants to talk to me about, the way he said it made my stomach drop. I know he's still very much messed up over Beth, I am to. Granted I didn't know her personally but I still feel like shit about her death so I can't imagine the guilt an the sadness Daryl feels, I wish there was someway I can physically take that burden off of his shoulders.

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