Chapter 2

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You would think that after all this time alone I'd be use to the silence but I'm not, even though I can hear the birds and the buzzing of the random bugs that fly around, it makes no difference it's still so quiet.

Even the creepers are quiet and that says a lot given they are so annoyingly loud not to mention the smell.

I came across a few people in the past that wanted me to join their group but I didn't think it was the best idea.

I haven't been around anyone or even talked for that matter in a year. I haven't wanted to, I don't want to be close to anyone, to open up.

I know if I do open up they'll have questions - questions I really don't want nor have the energy to answer.

I hated myself and my life actually scratch that I still hate my life and myself. People confuse my will to fight for my life with me wanting to live, honestly I could care less what happens to me.

It's about midday now and I'm walking down this backroad when up ahead I see a group of 7 men, curiously I keep walking up the road towards them trying to stay as silent as possible, I notice they are all heavily armed which is and isn't a red flag at the same time.

From the looks of it they all have big guns except one guy he has from what I can see is a crossbow.

As I'm walking up to the group an older man probably around mid 40's early 50's notices me and motions for me to come to him, as wearily as I am of men I obliged an walk over ( bad idea yet I get it ), I mean if this goes south it's not like I can't handle my own.

"Well,look it here." He stated with a deep southern voice.

He slowly walks over to me and goes to reach at me. Just as he's about to make contact I grab his shoulders and knee him in the stomach, he stumbles and falls smack on his ass laughing. Next thing I know I hear the familiar click of guns all around me.

Well shit so much for makin friendly.

"Damn it,hol up" the man on his ass says.

From behind me I hear an oddly excited voice say "I'm claiming the bow".

Man what kind of bullshit is this.
"I'm claiming" this is mine and I'll be damned if anyone even get close to it.

"I like them arrows"
The man said from behind me which made me retort to an annoyed eye roll.

The older guy spoke up again.

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