Chapter 19

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"Anna" a man whispers sweetly into my ears causing shivers to race down my spine. I turn over to see a man facing me as sunshine blinds out his face. "Wake up Anna" the face suddenly begins to clear up as I see a half naked Eugene propped up next to me. "scientifically women are supposed to sleep longer than men." He reaches his hand out to brush my hair out of my face and that's when I sling my arm at him.

"Hey hey hey! What da hell you slapping me for woman!" Daryl shouts as he bends over me and I look at him with relief an confusion. "Sorry uh I had a nightmare again." I said shakily as I look around to avoid Eugene at all cost. "Get ya ass up an come on we got to go everyone else is waiting on you sleeping beauty" Daryl snips as he throws my bag at me. " HEY! I know I hurt you when I cut things off but I figured you understood, never did I think you would walk around acting like a child an ignoring me for no reason an snapping at me literally all the time!" I yell out in frustration. I stand up pulling my hair down and flipping my head to run my fingers through my hair to make a neat bun on top. I stand up straight grabbing my stuff an slipping my bag over my shoulder as I make my way out the door and to the rv that is now having to be packed up like sardines bc Rick an Glenn lost the car last night.

He's really starting to get on my nerves with the whole taking stuff out on me. I figured we were on slight better terms after the whole 'let me help her inside bc she's hurt' thing he did.

"Anna love you are mumbling again, are things really that bad between you an Daryl?" Maggie questions as I turn bright red from embarrassment. "Uh well I don't know, one minute it's like everything is ok an the next he pushes me away more." Maggie stares at me for a second "well you did kinda sorta you know stomp on his heart out of the blue." I snap my head to look at Maggie "I didn't stomp on his heart Maggie I just simply stopped something before it got to much, for fucks sake he just lost someone!" I seethed before grabbing my stuff and moving to the back of the rv. 

"Hey you want some of these?" I ask Aaron as I shake the pill bottle in my hand. "Yeah,sure" Aaron says as he takes the bottles. I sit down next to a sleeping Eric as I rest my head on the wall.

Well turns out the Rv actually took more damage then I had originally thought because now we are currently sitting on the side of the road as Glenn looks over the engine to see if it is fixable. "Can't win for shit" Abe says as he slams his fist into the side of the vehicle.  "All we need is another battery." Glenn says as he closes the hood. "Where the hell are we gonna find another battery?" Abe barks. "Over here." Glenn says as he walks in to the Rv to grab a spare battery out of the storage container.

I look behind me at Rick an Michonne as they carry on with their hushed conversation.

I hope Rick knows that a blind man can sense his hormones raging from 50 miles away.

Glenn finally gets the Rv going, as I'm walking over to the door Daryl whistles at me an motions for me to come over to him.

"What the hell do you want?" I question as I lean against the back of the Rv Daryl puts one hand beside my head an sets his other to rest near my side. He leans down close to my ear an whispers "I ain't the one pushing people away sleeping beauty" his words sharp an direct as they make the hairs on the back of my neck stand an shivers to race down my spine. "I-I'm not the one constantly being rude." I say as I gather what's left of my pride an I push away from him and make my way to my seat in the back of the Rv.

About ten minutes later we arrive at these large metal walls lined with a couple of armed people guarding their gate. We roll to a stop and we all gather our things but mostly our weapons.

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