Chapter 10

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We were following Gabriel's lead as he is taking us to the church when Rick sparks up a conversation.

"Hey, earlier, were you watching us?"

Gabriel looks back and answers.

"I keep to myself. Nowadays people are just as dangerous as the dead don't you think?"

Daryl scoffs

"Naw, people are worse."

Gabriel looks around at everyone before he continues.

"Well, I wasn't watching you. I haven't been beyond the stream near my church more than a few times since it all started. That was the furthest I've gone before today."

He looks back making direct eye contact with me.

"Or maybe I'm lying. Maybe I'm lying about everything and there's no church ahead at all. Maybe I'm leading you into a trap so I can steal all your squirrels."

Just as he finished his sentence, I ran up to him pushing him up against the tree, using my entire body weight against my arm to pin him down while my other hand reaches down grabbing my hunting knife and placing it against his throat.

All the color drained from his face as he starts to say.

"Members of my flock had often told me that my sense of humor leaves much to be desired."

Daryl walks over, placing his hand on my shoulder to pull me back and he says.

"Yeah, it does."

Releasing Gabriel, he stumbles face first into some low branches covered in leaves.

We continued to follow him when we finally reached a clearing and we see a big white church with red double doors.

"Hold up. We're just gonna take a look around first , we wanna hold on to our squirrels."

Rick smiles holding his hand out to retrieve the keys to the church from Gabriel.

I walk over and sit down next to the tree while everyone else checked the church I didn't really deem it necessary to go in with them.
Rick, Michonne, Daryl, and Abraham took the lead on that one. I mean if they can't handle it I don't think I could.

I see Abraham walk up to Rick and the rest of the group as he says.

"Found a short bus outback it don't run, but I bet we can fix it in less than a day or two."

That made me roll my eyes as much as I would love to not have to worry about a walker attacking me and ripping my face up every five minutes, I highly doubt that this guy Eugene really knows the cure.

I mean he walks around mulleted up like Billy Ray Cyrus on a Tuesday talking in huge words thinking that none of us 'simple minded' people can understand.

All he's doing is just rambling on about random scientific facts. I mean come on now do these people really believe him, because I don't. I think it's a hunk of bullshit but people are going to believe what they wanna believe especially if it gives them hope.

After everyone basically tells Abraham to 'fuck off' with his idea of going to DC right away, I follow them into the church.

As I'm going up the steps to the church Abraham looks at me with an eyebrow raised as if he was expecting me, 'the silent person' to say something, I just nod towards the group and follow them inside, which causes Abraham to hang his head in an annoyed fashion.

I walk up next to Rick as Gabriel is explaining how he lasted so long after the outbreak and Rick hands Judith over to me.
I take her as he looks over to Gabriel as he continues to explain how a small shop in town is overrun by a dozen or more walkers, and that in the basement of that shop is where they kept the canned goods for their annual food drive.

While they finished discussing the topic at hand I walk over to the pew with Judith and sit on the ground next to the stand.

Almost immediately Judith starts getting super fussy so I start bouncing her up an down on my knee, as I'm doing this, Carol walks over to me and sits down an states.

"You're good with her. Do you have experience? You seem like a natural."

I look at her without saying anything an just shrug.

Moments later, Rick states that Gabriel, Bob, Sasha, and himself are going to town to check out the shop.

After they leave, it's just myself Tyrese, Carl, Judith. While Carol and Daryl took a trip to go get some water.
I'm still holding Judith when she starts to get tired so I pass her along to Tyrese and I walk over to the wall where Carl sitting at and I sit down.

It had just started to become sundown when the small group came back from town and brought a crap ton of canned food in with them.

Everyone is settling in the church, the atmosphere is booming with laughter an small talk.

I'm sitting next to the wall when Gabriel comes up to me an hands me a glass of wine that he had poured. I take the the glass an nod a thank you to him as he walks back an sits down next to Tyrese and Sasha.

I set the glass down next to me an lean my head back so that it's resting on the wall as I close my eyes.

"Ya gonna let that wine go to waste?"

I open my eyes to see Daryl peering down at me. I look back at my glass of wine then back up at him, grabbing my glass I reach up an hand it to him.

"Ya don't want it?"

I shake my head no as Daryl grabs my glass while sitting down next to me.

He bumps his shoulder with mine with a look of concern on his face.

"Ya ok?"

I nod my head yeah an get up grabbing my bow and putting it securely on my back to walk outside to get some fresh air when I spot Carol packing up a car.
I walk over placing a hand on the small of her back with a sympathetic look on my face.

Just as we are standing there in silence we hear a noise, turning around we see Daryl walking towards us.

"What ya doing?"

Carol looks at him an shakes her head as she replied.

"I don't know."

Just as we were about to walk back towards the church we hear a car coming down the road. Daryl grabs my arm pulling me behind the parked car on the side of the road.

Just as the car goes by Daryl notices, that is the same type of car that took a Beth back when they were together after the Prison fell.

Daryl starts smashing the tail lights an the headlights out of the car in a frantic motion. While starts to Carol raise her voice.

"What are you doing?"

"They got Beth!" Daryl states in a rush.

"Come on, get in."

Carol gets in the car an Daryl looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Get yer ass in the car Imma need ya help!"

I quickly jumped in the car, as we start speeding down the road carefully to catch up with these mysterious people.

Word Count: 1227

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