Chapter 16

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Pulling away from Daryl, I notice that the rain has gotten so heavy I can hardly see my hands in front of me.
"This isn't good!" I yell over the rain to Daryl.

Judith is crying as I make my way over to her an Carl.
"Is she ok?" I ask Carl as he looks over at me whilst shielding his little sister from the harsh rain. "Yeah but we need to find a place to hold up until this passes." He replies. I walk closer to him motioning for him to hand me Judith.
"I'll take her, I have a jacket I can put over her head." He looks at me before handing over Judith. "Go help your dad an Michonne gather our stuff and tell your dad that Daryl may know a place we can crash for a bit." He nodded an jogged past me over to his dad.

I walk over to Daryl grabbing my jacket that he has now thrown over his shoulder. I raise it over Judith's body an she immediately stops crying as she takes in the dryness an the body heat radiating around her.

I look around as the sky darkens an the thunder cracks as if the sky is to be torn apart.
"There's a barn." Daryl tells over to Rick, Rick looks over at him an nods.

The group follows us back to where we came from, we run through an opening exposing a small barn/shack. Rick, Daryl take over checking the barn while I hang up with Carl an Judith.

As soon as the barn was cleared we all enter. Taking in the barn it has a dirty floor, storage items, some hay strewn everywhere. It looks and smells as if it was at one point used to maybe house horses. I had Judith back to Carl an I make my way up the stairs onto the lofted area to maybe catch a breath an go over everything that has happen over the past hour.

So Daryl an I, we are a thing now?

I mean he said that I'm his but like does that mean a relationship?

Literally feeling the confusion an the wheels burning in my skull I relax my head in my hands as I pull my knees up to my chest. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder an I look up to see Carol sitting down across from me matching my position.
"Hey sweet girl, you okay?" She hums in a soft tone. I glance down an look back up at her while drawing small figures in the dust that lingers on the dry rotted wood. "Yeah I'm okay, I'm just thinking about a lot." I sigh finally replying. Carol looks a little confused an asks "Let me take a guess, it's about you an pookie over there?" I sorta freeze an feel my face get red as I look her dead in the eyes. "Pookie?" I scream out bursting into laughter. I hear rustling coming up the stairs an I look to over to Daryl just in time for him to point his finger at Carol.

"Stop." He deadpans to her as I continue to hardly breathe as I roll around the floor in laughter.

I'm laying on the dirt floor looking through the cracks on the barn wall as I watch the lightning spark up the dark night sky, thunder crashing so loud you can almost feel your bones rattle from the booming sound.

I sit up making my way over to the fire to join Glenn, Carol, Michonne, an Rick. I sit down between Glenn and Daryl as I reach over an throw some wood into the fire pit igniting the flames just a bit brighter. I notice Rick looking over at Carl sleeping as he hood Judith close to him.
"He gonna be okay you know." I state look at Rick, he looks down "I use to feel sorry for kids that have to grow up now. In this, but I think I got it wrong. Growing up is getting used to the world. This is easier for them."
Michonne looks over at Rick "This isn't the world. This isn't it."

"It's the best we got an I don't see it changing any time soon Michonne, I know it sounds harsh but it the truth." I say looking at her in the smallest voice. "After the outbreak I use to wait for the moment we would get the news that things would finally go back to normal but after a while when things just progressively got worse I realized that the world we use to live in, it's gone completely. I don't think we will ever get back to that."  With me saying this it caused the small group around the fire to grow quiet with the sad realization that I was indeed right. Glenn stands up placing a hand on my should an squeezing as he walks by to check on Maggie who is still struggling with her new reality.

I look over to my right at Daryl who is completely staring at me. Blushing I stand up an make my way back up to the lofted area that I had previously found. Seconds later I hear shuffling behind me as I make it up to the loft I turn around to see Daryl moving closer to me.

In one very quick motion I'm lightly pushed up against the wall.
Daryl snakes his hand around the back of my head tangling his finger in my hair pulling to angle my face to look up at his, his other hand propped up on the wall beside my head.

He leans down to where he is only mere inches away from my ear causing me to shiver an blush. Daryl grins and leans in even closer. He speaks in a low, alluring tone, "I love how you get so flustered by me. It's adorable." He whispers softly, the sound of his voice sends chills down my spine. It's as if Daryl is in control of me, and I can't help but melt from the way he says those words. Every time he speaks gently, that deep voice echoes in my mind, drawing me in deeper and deeper.. I can't take it anymore!
I move my head forward to kiss him but his eyes narrow and he grins, as he lets his other arm come around to hold me in place. "Patience, Anna.." He says teasingly, before leaning in and gently kissing my neck making my my mind go crazy an my body crave more. He then pulls back just enough to whisper something into my ear. "Remember when you an Carol were makin fun of me?" He questions as he moves back no longer touching me as he smirks and turns walking back down to the group.

"Oh that's fucked up" I sigh as I lay down letting the storm sooth me to sleep.

Word count: 1216

Hey guys sorry I neglected y'all I just found out that I'm pregnant so uh yeah I've kinda been busy, I also have ADHD so I tend to hyper fixate on certain things at certain times lol!

So here's a short chapter the next chapter is a long one😃

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