Chapter 13

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3rd POV:

Daryl ran over to Anna kneeling down next to her, he flipped her over to better see her injuries he brushes the hair out of her face taking a better look at the gash that intruded her slightly pale skin, he took a rag from his back pocket an placed it on her head to prevent the blood from flowing too much.

Noah walks up beside Anna an he slowly bends down to try an pick her up but Daryl pushes his hands back.

"Don' ya touch 'er." Daryl snaps.

Aside from the gash on her head the only thing wrong with her is a few scrapes on her hands from landing on the concrete.

Daryl scoops one arm under Anna's neck an the other under her knees picking her up bridal style.

Daryl an Noah make their way around the side of the building pausing for just a moment.

"We're gonna get 'em back." Daryl says looking at an anxious Noah then back down at the unconscious woman in his arms.
"How they have people, guns?" Noah argues, Daryl looks back over to Noah, "Yeah but so do we."

They take off running behind a building, coming up into a back alley, they were about to head straight for a garbage truck when they saw that there are walkers swarming the immediate area.

Daryl tells Noah to get the zippo out of his pack, light it, an throw it in the dumpster. Noah obligates an the dumpster goes up in flames. The walkers start to notice the fire an they drag themselves towards the burning flames.

Daryl an Noah take off behind the dumpster an arrive at the garbage truck, Noah opens the door allowing Daryl to gently lay Anna down on the seat. Noah the jumps in the passenger side lifting Anna's head an putting it in his lap. This action caused Daryl to side eye Noah the rest of the way out of Atlanta.

Anna's POV:


I'm walking through a dark and lonely forrest, fog littering the air, and dampness filling my lungs.
I search an search but it seems that there hasn't been anyone around for a while.

I feel lost and scared, like I can't find my way back home. I call out for help, but no one answers. The only thing that calls my name is the silent darkness that encases my body.

Suddenly, I see a figure in the distance, and I start running towards it. As I get closer, I realize that it's my mother. I run faster an faster until I'm just a few feet away tears streaming down my face and an ache so deep in my chest it feels like it's slicing through me.

The figure just stares at me with open arms, I crash into her sobbing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you. I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye please forgive me."

All she does is offer a sad smile while squeezing me tighter in a hug.

She finally speaks in a soft voice.
"It's okay, bean. I know you tried."

I look up at her sobbing harder.
"I miss you so much, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing anymore I feel so worthless, lost, like I've failed."

She leans down pressing a kiss on my forehead while wiping my tears.
"Anna I miss you to, but you've got to stay strong. Everything will find a way of working out. Sooner or later you'll realize that your will to live has been in front of you all along. I've got to go now but remember, the people around you are your family now. So now it's time to step up an protect them like you would protect us."

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