Chapter 12

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We are walking through the parking garage, and we came up on the door, Daryl walks up an starts to try to pry it open.

"Without weapons we could die, Beth could die. I don't want us to die, I don't want anyone at the church to die."
Carol says.

Calm your tits Carol we are trying here, you freaking out isn't gonna make us magically figure everything out.

"We'll find more weapons." Daryl states glancing back at Carol.

Daryl finally manages to get the door open an I reached down to pick up his pack but I accidentally dump it out letting the 'surviving childhood abuse' book flop out.
I hesitate before going to pick it up when Daryl bends down grabbing it an shoving it back into his pack, and walking out the door.

I didn't dare look him in the eye, not because of pity but because it scared me, it made me angry.
To just have an idea that someone hurt him pisses me the fuck off. In the time I've gotten to know Daryl he's always went outta his way to protect an care for the people around him even if he has an odd way of showing it.

We're making our way towards the danger van on the bridge.

You see I knew he was thinking some dumb shit like this. This is the last thing I want to be doing right now.

We approach the van an I open the back door peeking my head in. Daryl walks up behind me.

"Alright, let's get this done."

He goes to jump in the van but I grab his arm looking at him shaking my head no.

"It's not stable, I'm lighter."
Carol suggests like it's not a big deal that we are about to get into a van that's literally a hanging death trap.

Ignoring her offer Daryl hops into the back of the van, an I soon follow, Carol directly behind me.

We're gonna die.

I just know it.

Fuck I hate this so much.

Daryl makes his way to the front of the van just casually plopping his ass down in the drivers seat making the entire van shake on the edge of falling.

Imma shit myself.

Carol follows suit sitting down next to Daryl in the passenger seat while I stand directly in between them as they search the compartments for anything that could possibly give us information as to where Beth is at.

Looking out the window I notice that a shit ton of walkers an I mean a lot... 30 plus are making their way towards us.  Swallowing hard, I tap Carols shoulder while pointing them out.

"There's more coming." She states.

No shit. Thanks captain obvious.

"We're gonna have to fight our way through." Carol says.
Daryl gets up an we go to get out of the van when we see a tag on a gurney that says 'G.M.H'.

"G.M.H. What's that a hospital or something?" Daryl asks.

"I don't know. Grady Memorial, maybe?" Carol answers.

"Grady, the white crosses- it might be where they're holing up." Daryl practically has to yell over the loud snarling from the walkers that has now surrounded us.

We jump out of the van an quickly realize that we are one ham short of being completely overrun.
Carol let's off a shot, an I stab two walkers in the head. Looking over I see a walker grab ahold of Daryl, before it has a chance to take a bite out of his throat I run over throwing my arm up shielding his neck from the walkers bite. It bites down on the sleeve of my leather jacket with a pressure that would put the jaws of life to shame.

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