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It started normally just like any other day. Grian was tingling his sister hair when they heard a yelling .

"Grian! Pearl!"

The twins turned to see their older sister running towards them,with a really worried expression on her face .

"What's wrong Lizzy?"

The future queen looked at them, her eyes full of worry .

"Jimmy... Jimmy's gone"


"I've told the knights to search the kingdom but they didn't found him... And ..If he went on the land..." Lizzie's voice cut out as she started crying. The siblings hugged her to calm her down.

"I'm sure they'll find him..."

"He surely can't swim that far."


"My Queen , prince, princess... We got news." One of the knights said when they returned.
Lizzie still wasn't looking or feeling well but her duties couldn't wait. Grian and Pearl company her.
She shook her head, allowing the knight to speak.

"One of the near-shore civil saw a water breed leaving the ocean kingdom with a stranger very early in the morning...We think it was prince Jimmy..."

Lizzie got pale.
"You are dismissed now ." Grian said coldly and when the knights left the throne room he looked at Liz who was crying in Pearl's arms.

"Shhhh... It's not your fault Lizzie.."

"But... If..if I didn't yell at him last night... maybe he wouldn't left."

Yesterday Jimmy and Lizzie got into a really bad argument. No one really knows what started it.

"Liz? What the argument was actually about?" Grian asked. There needed to be some if Jimmy actually left the kingdom..

Lizzie wiped her tears and looked at her brother.
"... I ... Scott asked for permission to marry Jimmy... I thought they liked each other but when I tell Jimmy about it, he got angry and..." She tried to not cry but her hands were shaking.

Pearl give Grian a look. There was something missing.

"Hey Lizzie maybe you'll get some sleep? Me and Griba will take care of everything. "
"No... I can -"
"You're tried and a little nap will be good for you."
She took Lizzie's hands and walked with her to her room.
"Met me at the coral in five minutes " she whisper to Grian before they left the room.


"Sleep well" Pearl said quietly and give her sister a good night kiss in forehead.

She felt closing the doors as quite as she could. She glanced at the room at the end of the corridor, she and Grian need to visit it .


Grian was swimming around the corals when Pearl arrived. He usually does that when he's worried...

He turned and swam to her.
They look at each other.
"There's something wrong.."

Grian noode "Jimmy isn't that's kind of person who just leaves because of stupid arguments."

Pearl sat on the sand and looked up.
"Do you think it because of Scott?"

"I mean Joel did run from the wedding too... " Grian laughed.
"I remember Etho was apologising for him to Lizzie for the next month..."
Pearl laughed but she suddenly stopped.

"Didn't Jimmy ran away with a stranger? That's what the knights said right?"
Grian looked at her seriously.
"You don't think he-"
Pearl shook her head.
"I think so..."

"But if he actually found someone.. why didn't he say anything?" Grian said loudly after a while.

Pearl sighed..."I don't know..."


They twins were to search through Jimmy's room to find any clues on his sudden disappearenc.
The siblings were very private and respected each other's private space but this was a unique situation.

"Have you found anything yet?" Grian asked looking through the thousands of papers that Jimmy kept in his room .

"Nothing that could matter to us right now."

They spend a few more minutes looking through shelf's and boxes that were in Jimmy's room. Without any luck.

"Grian...I think I found something "

Grian swam towards his sister's. She had a piece of paper with something written on it. He read it and looked at Pearl.

"I left, I can't live like this anymore and I found someone who's really important to me.
Please don't worry about me...
You guys are the greatest siblings I could ever ask for..
Love you

Not far away laid another papers with little note
"Tell Scott it was never meant to be us."


"He really left..." Grian said underneath when he and Pearl left Jimmy's room, they were sitting next to the coral again.
Looking at the darkening ocean.

"I... don't understand...why..why he didn't say anything? Why he didn't tell us.."

"Neither do I..."


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