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Pearl and Grian sat in Etho's kitchen it wasn't the first time they were here but the dry land world still amazed both of them.

"Here." Etho placed mugs in front of them.

"Thanks -"Pearl said quickly.

The trio sat in silence but it was peaceful silence.

"Etho we came here to --"

A loud voice interrupted Grian.

"Oh- Hi Guy!"
Joel walked into the kitchen and kissed his partner's cheek.
Then he turned to face his guests.

"So what brings you both here?
No that I do mind you visit, I'm happy to see you two but you never came just to say hello."

That was true... Jimmy was the only one who was visiting regularly just to say hello..

Grian looked at Joel.
"Jimmy's missing and we are on a mission to find him "

Joel and Etho made eye contact and then turned to face the twins again.

"And- because he was here literally everyday, you assumed we might have known something?"
Etho raised his eyebrow.

Pearl gives her brother a worried look.

"We found his message...but ...we want to make sure he's happy.."
She looked at the two men who were giving each other a look like they could read each other's mind.

After a few more looks Joel sighed.
"We -I know where Jimmy went but not where he is."

"What that's supposed to mean?"

Joel didn't reply. He took a chair opposite to where Grian and Pearl were sitting.

"Joel. Where's my brother."Grian said coldly. He felt the anger boiling inside him.
"Grian I think -"
He glanced at Pearl and she initially stopped talking. She saw the anger and sadness in her brother's eyes.. but there was something else to... jealousy.

Etho sighed. Joel looked at Grian.
"I think you should listen to Pearl. Besides... Jimmy didn't want you to look for him in the first place and maybe that's why he didn't tell you where he was going."

"Or maybe he didn't tell you anything because it'll end in a situation like this one" Joel said annoyed.

Grian stood up so quickly that the chair he was sitting on fell on the floor with a big bang .

"I don't understand why you're his favourite..." He said under his breath and then he ran towards the front door.

"Grian listened -"Etho tried to stop him but Grian pushed him away and quickly left the building.

He heard Pearl yelling his name before he was too far away.

He needed some time to think...If neither Joel nor Etho want to help find his brother then he'll do it alone...

He didn't stop running until he found himself in the middle of nowhere.
There were trees around him but Grian had no idea where he was.
He felt really tired.

Really tired...

He fell on the grass and before the world turned black he heard someone's voice yelling something.

"Pearl?"He mumbled weakly...


"GRIAN" Pearl she yelled hoping her brother would turn back but that didn't happen. He was running further away.

"I need to go after him."
She looked at Joel.

He only glanced at her and returned to look at the table. He put his head in hands.
" I promise Jimmy I won't tell you."

"But he might be in danger and now Grian is too because you two can't get along!"

She turned to the door Grian ran through just minutes ago.

"I'm going to find my brothers, with or without your help."
She grabbed her and Grian's bags.

She looked once more at Joel who still hid his head in hands.

"Take this... That's everything I can help you with." Etho gave her a piece for paper.

"Thank you... "She smiled at him before she ran into the same direction as he brother.

As she reached the forest her legs started to hurt. Pearl still wasn't used to running or walking long distance so she decided to take a quick break under a tree.

She took a breather in and out. As she sat on the ground she looked around.
It went dark she was bearly able to see the trees around.

Pearl didn't notice the sun was setting before she left but at the same time Grian was still somewhere here.

She heard someone cracking branches and rustle leaves.

She hopped it was her friends looking for her... But...

She hugged her (and Grian's) bag closely to herself.
As the noise becomes louder.

And suddenly...

A figure walked out of the darkness but it was still too dark, to make out any features.

Pearl's voice was frozen, she couldn't say anything, she couldn't move .
Something about the figure terrified her.

It wasn't a human of any kind...it was something humanoid but not quite.

It started calming towards her.

Pearl tried to stood up but her legs didn't let her. So she tried to hit it with her water powers but they were too weak to do any damage or it just didn't do anything to the creature.

And then it attacked.

She cumulated all the power she still had to create a water shield around herself.

In the corner of her eye she saw something - a small object flying by with high speed .

The creature made a terrible scream.

And then it became quite.
Pearl put the shield out.

"Are you alright?"
Someone asked.

She turned her head to see a ginger haired girl with bow in her hand.
She had deer horns on her head pointy ears .

Before Pearl could say anything the strange came close and started looking at her in amaze.

"I've never seen that fish looking water breed."

"You know what I am?"

The girl giggled quietly under her breath.
"It's quite obvious."
She pointed at the scales on Pearl's face and hands.


"Oh I forgot to introduce myself- -Hi!I'm Gem ,nice to meet you?"

"Pearl- nice to meet you too"
They shook hands.


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