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Pearl was looking around desperately looking for any sign of her brother.

She and Gem had reached the town early in the morning so they went to the nearest motel to get some sleep.

"You said your brother is here?"
Gem asked behind her holding a bag with something.
She had noticed that Pearl was staring at it.
"I brought us some croissants... I thought you might be hungry -"
She gave one to her.
Pearl looked at it.
"Thank you.." and she immediately bit into it. The croissant didn't taste like anything she had eaten before. She always preferred the land food that her home food, it had more flavour and was definitely tastier.


Pearl noticed someone at the town square a man in dark cloak and -
"Hey! Where are you going? " Gem called but she didn't turn.
" At least wait for me"

She ran towards them.

They hugged each other.

"I'm happy you're okay."

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have ran away but.. after what Joel said -"

"I know..I don't blame you, I'm worried about Jimmy too."

They broke the hug and looked at each other.

"Who's that?"
They said at the same time. The twins looked one at another trying to figure out who is going to speak first but it turned out they didn't need to.

"Hello there I'm Scar Good-times the focal magican!"

"Scammer -"Pearl heard Gem mumbling under her breath.

Grian sighed."He just found me in the forest and let say at his house."

"Nice to meet you? I'm glad you saved me brother."she laughed"I'm Pearl."

Gem who was quite for the time, stepped in from Pearl.
"Gem. Your sisters double saviour." She laughed and Grian joined.

"See we're not that different."He said jockly.
Pearl turned her eyes.

Pearl took her brother on a side . She returned his bag and then looked at him.

"I think it's time to thank them and go separate ways."

Grian looked quite shocked by that unexpected topic.

"You sure? They might help us "

"Grian we barely know those people."

Grian looked at her and changed to more serious.

"If we want to find Jimmy we need someone who's from the land and we both know that neither Joel nor Etho will help."

Pearl sighed after a moment and looked at Gem who was buying something in the small shop across.
"Gem seems like a good fighter... Alight we can ask them but not a word about who we are."

"Please I know the rules my dear sister." Grian laughed and not long later they headed towards Scar and Gem who were talking about something.


The first time I noticed them coming was Gem.
"I thought you were leaving."She was quite surprised to see them.

"Actually we wanted to ask both of you for a favour."

Scar smirk."I'm listening. "
Gem just given them a nodd.

Pearl and Grian shoot a look at each other.
"Would you want to help us find out brother? -"
"Ther will be a great reward for your participation."

There were a moment of quite.
"I'm in" Scar said first.
"Sure I can help you."

"Thank you " The twins smiled.

Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea they had but for the priority of finding Jimmy it was worth it.


" So do you have any information about your brother? Like idk what he looks like."
Gem asked as the four of them were walking around the town.

"O yeah.. His name is Jimmy, he's blond with blue eyes, and has similar features as us ."

" We no sure where he might go.. The people who last saw him had said that he ran away with someone."

"Not much information I see... When he ran away?"

"Uh...A month or so ago?"

"A month?! And you started looking for him now?"

"We thought he might come back to our sister's c-birthday.!."

Gem signed annoyingly...
"I have no words... I think you both are even worse than Scar-"

"What -"Pearl tried to interrupt but Gem started talking again.

"We have known each other for a few years now and he is the town's well known scammer."

"That's not true! You guys just don't believe in the crystals.
One day I'll prove to you that they are very powerful."

Scar stopped unexpectedly and Grian nearly bumped into him.


"Did you say your brother is named Jimmy?"

Grian looked at him confused.

Scar eyes light up.
He took Grian's hands.
"We need to get to my house!"
He let them and started walking quickly towards his house direction.

The left out trio looked at each other.
"Should we follow?"

"He might actually have some information , Scar is a good scammer but also incredible at making people tell him the thing he needs."

And they quickly followed...

After a quite long walk they reached the cottage.

"Welcome to my humble house!"

It feels strange to be in this house again but this time Grian was with Pearl and Scar wasn't a complete stranger now.

"I need one thing one second."
Scar left and a familiar gray thing came to say hello.



"Wow she likes you. That's unlike her." Gem said taking a seat next to Pearl.

Grian wasn't sure what Gem meant but for some reason he felt happy to see the grey and fluffy thing circling and hugging his legs.


"You're so adorable." Grian pat her gently.


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