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" Everything started a few years back. Me and my friends came to this castle, we wanted to explore, we were just curious and young..
My one friend Cub wanted to explore inside -"
Scar looked at Grian.
"Yes that one who nearly k!lled me 15 minutes ago." Scar laughed but it was a fake sad laugh.

Where was I ...
Ah so he wanted to explore the inside and I went with him, my other friend who you also know- Gem stayed outside, I don't think she noticed that we went inside... That actually was a good thing...at least for her.

The castle looked different than now it was covered in moss and vains. The cobble wall were beautiful and--"

"I understand I was pretty now if you could get straight to the cursed stuff."
Grian interrupted.

"Oh! Right right...
We walked inside and I think we get lost in here and accidentally we came into that big room, you were tapped there and -"
Grian just glanced at him .

"I'm going to the point now, alright.

In that room stood like an old looking stone block and on it was quite a big mineral of some kind.

Cub and I always were interested in crystal so we decided to take it, to give it a closer look.--"
Cub walked towards the crystal and as he touched it , the crystal shattered.

" Hey Cub?" Scar looked at the shattered crystal, the took one of the pieces. "I've never seen a one like this. It's -...
Cub?!"Scar slipped the crystal price to his pocket and looked at his friend.

Cub gaze was still focused on the crystal pieces .
Scar noticed a dark substance on Cub's hands.

" Cub?"He said again.
This time Cub turned to him , he's eyes were cyan and as Cub started mumbling something his eyes and the crystals started glowing.

Before Scar fall on the floor unconscious he swear he saw the black thing absorb Cub.


"After that they I always hear voices in my head saying only a heart can save me...  I tried to ignore it but with time the cruse started to kick in..."

"So what he curse is doing actually?"

"It's ... Taking away my life."

"What?" Grian sounded terrified, Scar didn't blame him he reacted the same way when he founded out.

"Okay maybe life is a bad word,it's more lik taking away my life essence making my powers and myself weaker."

"That sounds even worse Scar.."

Scar looked at Grian and then at the red string...
"But now we connected, I found the heart...So it should go away?"

Grian put his head in his hands and sighed.
"What if not? What if I have the cruse now?... I don't wanna die." Grian was crying.Scar hugged him .

"I'm sorry..."

Something blow up not far away from were Scar and Grian were hiding.

" What was that." Grian raised his head and wiped away his tears.

" I think someone came to save us."

"Pearl?" Grian looked at Scar his eyes were sparkling again.


"I'm very impressed, not gonna lie I thought you would die after a few punches " Cub dogged another arrow, this time he prepared, his sculk army was fighting against the intruders .

Gem was trying to do any damage to Cub but without results.

They were loosing... until -

"Jimmy!" Pearl yelled. She blocked the swords using her water shield and ran towards her injured brother.

Where she reached him. Tango was already here. He holds Jimmy closely to him.

" I'll..be ok..ay , I.. just.. nee..d a na.pp.." He said weakly as his eyes closed.

Unexpected Tango handed Jimmy to Pearl. He put his cloak around his rancher and stood up.

"Tango? What are you --"

A sudden wave on heat hit her.

Tango was mad, he released the destroy power he have inside him the whole time.
His small fire hair became brighter, bigger and warmer.
He released his anger not caring about anything elses expect getting revenge for Jimmy.

The heat made a gigantic explosion.
Gem and Pearl ran away caring Jimmy, neither of them wanted to become a pile of ash.

" What now?"

"I don't know... Jimmy is in awful condition, I don't think anything can stop Tango now...."

" We can also cross off talking with Cub, he won't listen."

They lay against the cobble wall, Pearl still hold tightly her brother, she couldn't loose him..she just find him again.

" Maybe we can help?"

The girls looked up to see Grian and Scar.
"Griba!? What happened to you?"

"Both of you."Gem added.

Grian didn't say anything he came close and sat next to Jimmy.

He closed his eyes and kissed Jimmy forehead.
A sparklings of light danced around his body.

"He'll be alright, don't worry. Let him rest."

Grian stood up.

"Grian, what did you do?"

"Pearl isn't not time for this.-" Gem quite her, she turned to Scar.

"You can handle Cub?"

Scar smiled his eyes turned to light blue coloured.
"Me and G will finish all of this."

Grian nodded.
"Don't worry, I'll explain everything later." He turned around and both of them disappeared into confetti of light .

Gem took Pearl's hand.
"We need to get out. Trust me."


They stood outside looking at the castle.
Pearl put Jimmy under one of the trees.

"Cleo! Over here!" Gem waved when she noticed them.


"That's everyone." Bdubs said after the last person left.


"Yes, good job." He pet Norman gently.
But when the little warden noticed on of his dad's laying under the tree he ran towards him .

"He's tired, didn't worry he'll wake up."Pearl told him. She didn't left her brother's side since they escaped from the castle.


"Would they be alright?" Gem asked, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces of the people Cleo and Bdubs saved for what actually was a prison.

"I hope so? They are definitely dizzy and not quite understand what's going on right now but they would be fine.."

Cleo looks at the Sculk Castle.
"No we only need to pray for them to win."

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