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It was the first day of the journey to find Jimmy.

The day before Scar had shown them the magic compass and the twins decided to start following it as soon as possible. Later that day Gem and Grian went to buy some food while Pearl stayed with Scar.
Grian and Gem found their common topic and were talking about snails for the rest of the day.

"We should have everything for tomorrow."
Pearl said proudly placing the bags on the table before heading to sleep.


Now the four of them were walking through a lush forest.

Scar looked quite left down because he needed to leave Jellie at home incase of any danger.

Pearl decided it might be a good chance to talk to him a little.
Gem and Grian were getting along really well and she didn't want to interrupt their conversation.

"I'm sure your gray fluffy thing? will be fine."
Scar looked at her quite confused for a moment.
"Jellie? "
Pearl nodded.
"I'm not exactly worried about her in the house more about where she'll wonder off."
He stopped for a moment.
"Wait - Jellie isn't a thing she's a cat, grey tabby. "

"Oh! We don't have cats in the Ocean Kingdom, only pet snails and other sea creatures."

Scar looked at her, totally shocked.
"You didn't have cats!"

" I don't see how they would even fit in."

"You've got a point actually."


" You okay?" Gem asked Grian who had been glancing at his sister from time to time.

"No- I'm surprised they getting along. Pearl isn't quite good at trusting new people quickly."

"I know something about that " Gem mumbled

"I'm just surprised that's all."


After a few hours of walking they decided to take break.
The group stopped near a small lake.

They put their belongings and make a  small campfire.

" I still think we should find a town."
Gem said laying under the tree.

"What the greatest archer can't protect us?" Scar said ironicly not taking his eyes from his crystal.

"Oh I'm sure you'll be able to save yourself." Gem roller her eyes.
That's when she noticed the twins were missing.

"Where are they?"

Scar looked at her and pointed towards the water.
"They said they would catch some fish for dinner."

Gem stood up and left.

Scar returned to cleaning his crystals.
He took the one shaped as heart it was once beautiful light blue coloured but now the dark substance were consuming if from inside.

Scar sighed and put it back into necklace.

"Your new fishy friends could help you"

Scar tried to quiet the voice.
"Heart for a heart"

"Scar?" Someone said behind him.
Scar turned to see the black eyed man standing in front of him. His eyes shine with shades of purple and Scar know it was already too late.

"Yes?" He smiled.

"I've got the fish."

" Good... Good!"
He took the fish for Grian and put them on sticks to then cook them on the fire.

Grian sat next to him and starred at the fire .

" I always thought the different breeds hated each other but so far everyone was nice to me and Pearl."

Scar was quite but then he said.
"Someone people hate those who are different even if they're the same breed. "

" Well I think your nice." Grian smiled, he looked a little bit pink probably because of the fire.

"Thanks?" Scar wasn't sure what to say, he couldn't trust some random guy at this point he couldn't trust anyone anymore.
He sighed.
" I'm not as nice as you might think.." he said quietly not sure if Grian had heard him. It wasn't important.

-A 30 minutes or so earlier-

Gem left the prototype camp and went to see where were Pearl and Grian.

The lake was quite a bit but also really beautiful. Trees surrounded it and the setting sunbeam were reflecting on the water. It looked amazing.

Gem shook her head to return to the reason she came here in the first place.

"Pearl? Grian?" She called and a few seconds two heads popped up for the water.

"AH!" Gem yelled as she saw the cod and salmon looking merlings.

They laughed.
"You guys scared the heck out of me!"

"Sorry - We forgot you guys are not used to seeing us like this."
Pearl said when she reached the  shore, Grian quickly follwed holding in hands some freshly caught fish.

"I should start getting used to it then." Gem laugh.

Grian got out of the water and looked at the girls.
"I'll take those to cook. Come in 15 minutes." And he wonder off.

Pearl glanced at him.
"Sure. Me and Gem will be there in a minute."


"If you want to go to the camp feel free." Pearl lay on the sand "I just wanted to swim some more but I guess if you came here you probably had enough sitting there." She giggled.

"Kind of -? Scar is just slightly annoying."

"Oh I know what that feels like. Griba is a great example."
They laughed.

"I can keep you company for a bit." Gem said .
Pearl flapped her tail and went under the water.


Somewhere ,where a house was standing on a cliff  a tabby cat was meowing at the door.

After a couple of minutes the door open, reviling a masked man.
"Hello Jellie."
He laughed as he took the cat.
"Scar won't be happy that you here."


"Yes, you can wait here for him."
Etho said closed the door behind him and started walking towards the guest room. Jellie purr quietly.

Etho placed her gently on her cushion.
"Looks like our fish friends have an interesting company."

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