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Sebastian's POV

"Earth to Sebastian! Are you listening to me?" My silver-haired best friend squealed, as he tried to shake me to attention.

My eyes were currently unable to peel themselves away from the raven-haired woman who was attentively watching Professor Sharp as he explained the latest hypothesis of  the 'Love Potion'.

The concept was rather dull for my taste, and I spent the majority of the time gazing upon Rain Lancaster, a fellow Slytherin and a friend.

It had been two years since her and I met in the common room, and she delightfully took interest in the book I was reading.

I rudely stated, "Can I help you?" And raised my brows at her in annoyance, before I almost choked on my spit when I took in her looks.

Dare I say, she was a gorgeous girl.

Not short, but not the tallest either, around five foot seven, with long legs that stretched elegantly from beneath the awful skirt she was wearing.

The emerald blazer that symbolised the colours of our house, glowed like a star against her olive skin, and I grew envious at the sight of it. I looked rather pale next her, ghostly even.

Sable shaded irises matched her long teases, that cascades down her shoulders like a gentle waterfall. I had seen plenty of pretty girls, but this one, she was something else.

Adorable button nose that was slim yet long, perfectly symmetrical to her plump lips, which were far too inviting. So much so, that I had to avert my gaze to a horrid painting behind her, which was far less appealing.

However, despite the beautiful canvas that was presented before me, it was her wit and charm that made the edges of my eyes crease in enthusiasm.

"I'm Rain. Rain Lancaster." She curtly said, as she extended her arm to wrap her fingers around mine in a tight handshake, that surprisingly sent shivers down my spine.

My dark brows raised again. "Rain? As in the weather?"

The new student, that everyone was already gossiping about, gave me a light chuckle, before she glanced up at me from underneath her thick lashes.

"When I was born, it was supposed to be the sunniest day that year. However it ended up heaving, so my parents thought naming me after the dreaded water leaks was appropriate."

I did let out a little giggle at her remark, though I instantly followed with an apologetic, "I like it."

And I did.

That name, which had such an impact on me throughout my years at Hogwarts had imprinted in my mind, and frequently, I found myself calling out for her, even in my dreams.

Unfortunately, those dreams, often shifted into nightmares, and her name became a scream that haunted me even as I sat in potions class, two years later.

After the events of our fifth year, Rain and I grew close, but we often bickered. Our conflicted moralities were frequently at odds, and our arguments had increased significantly as of late.

The astound witch had cured my sister, Anne, after she used the dark magic she obtained from the repository to "remove" it, and stored it within a goblin metal box were it was kept locked away.

Whilst I was delighted, I was extremely upset that she had taken such a plight that could have killed her. Rain thought my reasoning to be ungrateful, and she held a slight grudge against me ever since.

And I suppose, I was slightly bitter at the fact I had caught her kissing Dorian Greer, a transfer student from Italy.

I couldn't understand why I was so irked by the notion, and she certainly didn't appreciate the punch I had swung to his face. But my excuse was , "You're too good for him."

Which was true, she was entirely to good for him, too good for anyone. But deep down, she knew I was lying, and I myself could not come to terms with why my heart was cracking every-time we were apart.

We are just friends, I reminded myself constantly, and as I continued to repeat that affirmation, our distance further grew.

Furthermore, the little raven refused to acknowledge my existence, because we had a tiff in the forbidden forest, when we visited a poacher camp yesterday night.

I wanted to charge in head first, she wanted to use her awful sneaking skills which got us into more trouble than she thought. However, once again, we were at each others throats, like neglected mongrels.

Poor Ominis was often witness to our tiresome debates, and he had grown irritated by the childish nature of mine and Rain's friendship.

"Imbeciles." He called us, and although I agreed, I always pretended to huff and puff in annoyance.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something." I mumbled, before shoving him lightly to stop him from poking my ribs any further.

Ominis scowled, and he returning to his meddling.

"So, please keep in mind what the scent is, you will need to present it in the next class."

Professor Sharp's voice boomed me out of my trance, and I hurriedly started to take a whiff from the bubbling cauldron that I had clumsily prepared.

"Shit." I hissed, before scribbling down the smells that erupted from the potion, straight into my nostrils and into my brain.



The sea.

I was oddly alluded to the aroma, and I took a bit too long sniffing it until the back of Ominis's hand came marching down upon my head.

"Ow! What the hell?" I grumbled as I rubbed the sore wound that my best friend so cruelly inflicted upon me.

"You've wasted enough time, let's go, we're late for lunch with Anne." He remarked, making my chocolate eyes widen in remembrance.

Shit. I had totally forgotten.

Hastily, I grabbed my worn out blazer, and totally ignored Imelda Reyes, as she gave me a longing look that made me grimace every single god-damned time.

"Wait, Rain is coming now." Ominis said, reminding me that she too, had joined our threesome, and frequently visited Anne.

The two had become awfully close.

My fingers tried to reach for her shoulders as she passed me, but they fell down to my lap when she blanked me and wrapped her arm around Ominis's waist, making my jaw tighten and my teeth grit.

"Let's head off." She said, in that husky, low tone voice that made my skin turn into pebbles every-time she spoke.

I wish I could have groaned audibly, because I was well aware, that today was going to be far more eventful, and far more dreadful than I had originally planned.

If only I had known, that the rest of the year was going to be as cruel, I would have left Hogwarts in an instant.

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