Chapter 19

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Playlist - NDA by Billie Eilish

Rain's POV

Sneaking back into the apartment was a difficult feat I did not comprehend. I had not prepared for the possible notion that the boys may have been vacating it, and so when I tiptoed gently over the creaking floor boards, a cough pushed out pebbles across my skin.

"Ominis..."I squeaked, straightening my hunched back as the blond flicked on the light with a swish of his wand. His legs were crossed as he curtly sat upon our cozy arm chair, and thin fingers laced together in a stern embrace.

Awkwardness sizzled through the air, and I nervously started to tap my foot in a rapid motion, hoping to break the tension, "Where the hell have you been?"

His words were as cold as ice, and they ran a chill down my spine.

"On duty." I muttered, trying to sound unfamiliar by his intimidating questions.

"That's not what Ella said." Shit. Why did she always have to tell the man of my whereabouts - this was not the first time that she had done this, and I seldom thought the girl enjoyed watching me get scolded.

"Ella doesn't work on cases with me all the time, this is -"

"Have you seen him again?"Ominis was on his feet now, hands tightly gripping his hips, dark brows pushed forward into a scowl. Sometimes he reminded me a bit too much of my father, and that was not a memory I wanted to face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said coyly, thankful that he could not gaze upon my lying eyes as my resolve would have crumbled quicker than a Honeydukes cake.

The blond took small strides towards me, his hair sleeked back with its edges reaching down to the base of his neck. "I think you do," he bellowed.

With a small huff, I wrapped my arms above my chest and lifted my head up in a proud lie, "No, I don't actually."

"You know, I am indeed blind, but I'm not fucking stupid. Didn't we promise each other that we'd have no secrets? I don't want either of us to be spun in a web of lies."

The edges of my brows sloped downwards in frustration, and I grazed my teeth above my bottom lip, trying to calm the anxiety that was creeping in, wrapping it's claws around my throat.

"I'm not lying." I bluntly stated.

Ominis took in a deep breath, before shaking his head, "Clearly you are, I can sense it."

It was true that my best friend, who I had grown significantly close to, could read me better than those ancient transcripts he liked to dive into whilst using his wand as a reading aide. Whenever I was feeling under the weather, he would notice straight away and took it upon himself to ensure that the small smile I had retained, made it's way back to accessorise my face.

It wasn't a matter of trust - I knew that if I informed Ominis of Sebastian's return, he would understand. However, he would not understand my reasoning as to why I slept with the freckled man. More so after I witnessed him murdering an informant I was supposed to protect.

"It's Dorian, isn't it? You've seen him again haven't you." He bluntly asked, causing my lips to part in surprise, but also in relief.

"Yes." I quickly answered, hoping to get him off my back as soon as possible. Ominis was fond of Dorian, and had tried to reconcile us multiple times, however after my affair with Sebastian, the dark haired gentleman dared not glance at me. Dorian Greer had made it perfectly clear that he despised me, and wished for my death after a heated argument.

"I knew it...why didn't you tell me?" A soft expression replaced his harsh judgment, and Ominis gently placed his hand upon my shoulder, squeezing it slightly.

Web of lies (S.S x FemMC)Where stories live. Discover now