Chapter 11*

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Playlist - Renegade by Aryan Shah and Cardigan by Taylor Swift

Sebastian's POV

I have had many surprising moments in my life, and far too many that had dragged the carpet from under my feet. But this one, this, had to take the cake.

My lips were currently attached to Rain's, and I was digging my nails into her hips as I hoisted her up so that her legs would wrapped around my waist. We had moved from the dorm room door, to the common room, where I had slammed her back against a nearby wall.

The moans that escaped her mouth made my entire body shake, and all I wanted to do was to hear her scream my name as I pleasured her. My mind could not comprehend my actions, particularly when I originally intended on having a very serious discussion with her about our previous kiss.

Yet here I was, lacing my tongue against her neck, whilst I moved my hand down to grab her right breast. The material of her nightdress was so thin, that I could feel how hard her nipples had become, and my member was about to burst through my trousers as it decided to come out and play.

Doing this in the common room was risky, but I couldn't give two fucks about getting caught, not when I had this goddess rolling her groin against mine, driving me absolutely crazy with desire.

The pants she was producing were downright sinful, and I let out a loud moan as she tightened her grip in my curls and pulled me closer to her.

"Sebastian...w-what...are we...doing?" She stuttered, her breath heavy and hot against my mouth.

I pulled back slightly, and rested my clammy forehead against hers, my eyes hiding underneath my hooded lids. "I don't know."

We kissed again, and this time I carried her towards the couch that was lit brightly by the burning fires of the fireplace. I sat back, allowing her to fall ontop of me, her thighs at each side of my hips.

Merlin, she was so beautiful and so fuckable at the same time, I just wanted to ruin her.

Bringing my hands across her thighs, I slowly caressed her burning skin until I reached her hips. I squeezed, hard, and she flung her head back with a whimper, giving me access to her luscious neck. In an instant, I attached my mouth to it and began sucking at the skin, all the while I played with her nipple with my free hand. I kneaded it against my fingers, relishing in its hardness, and I had to fight the urge not to rip her dress and take it in my mouth.

"Sebastian..." She exhaled, making my fingers travel to her neck to grip her tightly. Rain's hair looked like a charcoal wave, and it flowed down her arched back, making her look absolutely breath taking.

"God Rain...I want to taste you." I purred in her ear, bringing her body to a shiver and her mouth to produce a loud moan.

"T-then taste me."

Shit. Fuck. Merlin.

I couldn't believe that this was actually happening, nor could I accept the fact that this was the happiest I had felt in a very long time.

And that is why my next move was the most regrettable decision I had ever made.

"We should stop." I blurted out.

Rain froze atm my comment, and she pulled back slightly but left her arms firmly tucked around my neck.

"What?" She whispered, her tone staggering and her brows curling upwards in confusion. I could tell she was hurt, but she was trying her hardest not to let it show.

With a gulp, I grabbed her arms and pushed them off me, making her gasp. "We shouldn't be doing this. We're friends, that's all."

All I could see was her bottom lip tremble, her dark eyes glistening with water, making me instantly feel guilty.

"I don't understand...why did you? Why did you kiss me? Why did you say those things to me?" She questioned, her tone deep and croaky.

Fuck. My heart was breaking as soon as I saw a tear run down her cheek, and all I wanted to do was to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I loved her.

But I couldn't.

Something inside me was preventing me from tapping into the source of happiness that I had longed for so long, and this path of self destruction was the only route for me. After all the shit I had done, I did not deserve to be happy.

I did not deserve Rain.

"I didn't mean any of it." I muttered, instantly regretting what I said as soon as the words left my mouth. What the fuck did I just do?

A scurry of sobs washed through the room, accompanied by a painful sound of Rain's breaking heart. My raven haired serpent quickly removed herself from my lap, and sorted her night dress as she covered herself.

I sat on the couch, unable to move, my body going completely numb as I watched the woman I was madly in love with, walk away from me.

My hands started to tremble, and all I could hear was Rain's echoing cries. In a moment of surprise, my own eyes started to bleed out water caused by my own actions. I choked on my sobs, unable to stop the spinning of my vision and the fast thud of my heart beat as with every sob came a song of pain.

The worst part of it all, is that I had not realised that doing what I did, had severed mine and Rain's friendship completely, and before I knew it, I had let her slip through my fingers and into the arms of another man.

Dorian fucking Greer.

But in that very moment, all I could do, is weep, as I had lost the only person I had truly ever cared about.

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