Chapter 15

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Playlist - A little Death by the Neighbourhood

Rain's POV

The trauma that I had suffered from when I was a young child, made walls expand around me like a protective shell. All the pain that was caused at the hands of my parents, whose characters were a few sandwiches short of a narcissist, had left me shattered and broken. Growing up, I decided that I did not wish to follow in their footsteps, and that I was going to become a far better person than both of them combined.

However, nothing could prepare me for the situation that I now found myself in. Before me, a ghost had returned, and the conflicting feelings within me caused me to let the ropes that bound me, get tighter.

Sebastian Sallow, the man I had met in my fifth year at Hogwarts, that man who became my best friend, the man I fell in love with, and the man who shattered my heart into pieces, stood before me.

Not only did his matured face shock me, but it was the fact that moments ago, he had plunged a knife into one of my informants, and killed him, in cold blood. Using unforgivables was different - here, he physically held a weapon and used it to take a life so cruelly and painfully.

He had grown, a lot, and his chest was so wide that he could engulf me within his embrace had he decided to reunite with me in such a manner. Those chocolate curls that I loved to tangle my fingers in, had grown wilder, and their shade was now almost black, just like the colour of my hair.

Sebastian's face had developed significantly, and his jaw became sharper, stronger, and his cheeks were slightly hallowed, as if he was malnourished. Velvety olive skin was replaced with a harsh surface, with a scar running along his ear down to his neck. A rash of stubble graced his chin and jaw, and I held back a gasp as I took in how devilishly handsome he had become.

Despite the drastic change however, the murderer still harboured the same glint in his bronze irises that lured me in, and the same crowd of freckles that darkened over time.

As I laid upon the hardened floorboards of the upstairs bedroom, my eyes trialing the blood that was expanding around the informant, I tried my hardest to try and imbued myself from the hex that was cast upon me. But the rope was getting tighter with each struggle, and as soon as I heard Sebastian's menacing chuckle, I froze.

"What an unexpected turn of events." He started to say, as he paced  around me, like a cat stalking a rat. He stopped before me, and bent down so that his face was inches away from mine.

My heart was hammering at my chest, and my throat could not physically produce any emotion or sound, as I stared back at him, feeling a flood of emotions that I could not even explain.

Sebastian lifted his hand, and in a surprisingly gentle manner, brushed a strand of hair that was falling over my eyes. "Never thought I'd see the day where I would reunite with you again, Lancaster."


My last name sounded so cold coming from his familiar lips, and I, shockingly, felt a pang of sadness as he refused to call me Rain, like it was a word of pure poison. I could faintly see the dark circles that pulled at his eyes, and his lips, which where once entangled with mine, now had a small scar that ran through the bottom lip.

In any other circumstance, I would have found him extremely attractive, but he was a constant reminder of the pain that he had caused me, and regardless of how much I wanted to kiss him in that moment, I was not going to allow myself to subdue.

"Not going to say anything?" He taunted, his voice huskier, thicker and...sexier. I could tell he was finding this amusing, by the way the top of his eyebrow raise slightly, and how a small smirk was playing at his lips.

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