Chapter 13*

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Playlist - Lovely by Billie Eilish, Softcore by the Neighbourhood, Bossa Nova x West Coast by Billie Eilish and Lana del Ray and Middle of the Night by Elley Duhley

(Warning: there are themes you may find upsetting. Please skip the last part if this upsets you.)

(Need another Proof Read)

Sebastian's POV

"Really Sebastian? Imelda?!"

Currently, I found myself in the Slytherin Common Room, with Rain screaming down at me in rage. I had witnesed her anger before, but this was truly a sight to behold. I didn't know whether I should have felt scared or aroused.

"I honestly cannot believe this." She muttered, lifting her arms in the air in disbelief as she paced back and forth in front of the firepalce.

Thankfully the room was empty, and she had the space to scream her lungs out at me as much as she wanted. It was rather embrassing when she marched towards me, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the common room like I was some lost mongrel.

Though I found her jealousy extremely attractive.

"I'm sorry, I missed the part, were you explain to me why you're so vexed about it? Aren't you going to the ball with Ominis?!" I huffed, now starting to feel my blood boil.

"Yes, but that's different!" Rian tried to explain, her brows shifting upwards in that adorable way that made my heart melt every single god damn time she did it.

"How? Am I going utterly bonkers here? Why are you taking this so personally, I thought we were friends." The shit that was coming out my mouth baffled me as much as it did her, and I wanted to confringo myself out of the room.

Rain's sable coloured eyes shimmered slightly underneath the firelight, and I convivnmed myself that it was not tears that were threatning to fall down her beautiful skin."Yes...Just friends...we used to be friends..." She muttered, her gaze refusing to meet mine.

She let out a huff and crossed her arms above her chest. "Just go Sebastian, I-I need some time alone."

Even though I had no right to be offended, I found her suggestion to be highly upsetting, because I selfishly could not believe that she did not want me there. Perhaps it was because I had missed her so much, and any reaction from her was a good one. It had been so long since we had last conversed, that arguing with her seemed like a good alternative.

"No, I am not going anywhere." I blankly said, making her face turn the colour of a tomato.

"Oh for the love of Merlin, just go!" She yelled, her tone getting higher and higher the angrier she got.

It was my turn next. "No, I've had enough of this! Of your attitude! You always act like this," My words were not justified considering I was the one that caused this issue in the first place, and I was acting like a hyprocrite, but I wanted her to stay so badly that I was thinking of ways to keep her.

Her eyes widened, and she marched towards me, her finger flinging in the air. "Me? My attitude? Get yourself checked sweetheart, because if anyone has an attitude is you!"

"Ugh...I honestly hate you sometimes." I muttered underneath my breath.

"And I hate you all the time!" She screamed.

"You hate me? that why you get jealous every time I go near any woman? Or how you blush when I twirl your hair around my finger? Or how you giggle at my stupid jokes. I'm not stupid, I know the difference between hate and -"

Rain cut me off with a shove, surprising me.

"Shut up! You know nothing! You hurt me! You played with my feelings and ruined our friendship. I hate you, I despise you, and I wish I never met you!"

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