Chapter 18 *

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Plsylist - Eyes on fire by Blue Foundation

Sebastian's POV

The morning came by too quickly, and I was forced to squeeze my eyes as the rays of the sun shined down to torture me. Feeling a cool breeze hitting my bare chest, I turned my head from side to side to gather my surroundings, only to be met by olive coloured skin, laying naked for my eyes to feast upon. A gurgled cough made it way out of my lips, and my mind decided to replay our aggressive liaison which ended up with us sleeping together, again.

Rain looked Devine as she slept, her raven-coloured hair sprawled all over, round breasts moving up and down with the slow motion of her chest, and her rosy lips slightly parted as she huffed out a sigh.

The house stood in ruin, beams falling apart, the ceiling hanging off, ready to snap, and as I surrounded myself amidst all the chaos, harmony laid beside me in the form of the woman I had never stopped loving.

Slowly, Rain started to stir, causing caution to wriggle it's way into my body, but to my surprise, when her lids opened to reveal those dark swirls of hers, she grew a smile. 

Did she not realise what happened? Did she think she was dreaming? Was she imaging me as someone else?

All these thoughts kept rummaging through my head like clockwork, and my soul almost left my body when she leaned forward to capture my lips to hers. Staying deadly still, like a corpse set in stone by Rigor Mortis, I waited for her to slap me across the face, for her to demolish me or even kill me.

But that certainty never came, and instead, I found myself trapped beneath her as she pushed herself on-top of me to deepen the kiss.

Finally letting my muscles loose, I snaked my arms around her waist, my fingers trailing up and down her bare back, and slipped my tongue in her mouth, making her moan. Whatever game the fates decided to play, I was a willing participant, and I let out a silent gasp when she pressed her core onto my member, making me slide into her.

No words were exchanged as she rolled her hips against mine, as she dragged her nails down my chest drawing blood or when she leaned down to trail her lips across my neck. Thrusting my hips to meet hers, I gripped her waist tightly, and left my gaze to glare into her sable eyes. Debris started to fall, one almost hitting us both, but we cared not for our death as we welcomed it with open arms because we where finally together again.

The silence continued but our moans and groans whisked through the air, cutting through the sexual tension that had been building up between us for years. Rain Lancaster was a force to be reckoned with, all the more making me wonder why I thought I had to protect her in the first place.

My departure was not a feat I took lightly, and as I came to terms with it, my reasoning became dimmer and dimmer. But alas, this was not a time to reminisce on the what ifs, but rather focus on making love to this woman who held my heart in the palm of her hand.

It was ironic that we were having sex in the house where I ended that sodding informant's life, and as much as I wanted to convince myself that what we were doing was wrong, I was unable to find a proper explanation to say otherwise.

Everything felt right. She felt right.

So I let myself indulge in her sandalwood aroma, in her flush skin that raised mine into pebbles and her core that tightened around me with every thrust of my hips.

After a short while, I felt her shake on-top of me, her knees pressing against my waist as she shot her head back, curls wild, and she let out a loud moan as she came.

Merlin I missed her. Wanted her. Needed her.

My release came shortly after, and I felt the liquid trickle down onto my abdomen, making her giggle. I could not understand why she found this so amusing, perhaps she was as crazy as I was.

Pushing herself off me, Rain turned to look me on her side, her chin resting up her hand. My brows furrowed together in confusion, though I kept my mouth shut, hoping that she would say something to end this awkward silence.

"Well that was something."' She chirped, making my mouth part in disbelief.

We had just had sex, twice, after I had upped and left her to pick up the pieces of her broken heart on her own, after we almost beat each other to death and destroyed the entire building, and all she could say was 'well that was something.'

Yes, the woman was mad.

But so was I, and I burst into laughter, my entire body shaking as she joined me in her row of giggles. Rain and I were bonkers, but we were also madly in love. I had no doubt that she still loved me because I knew her all too well.

"W-we, are, crazy!" She exclaimed in between laughs. I found myself adoringly staring at her as I watched her squeeze her stomach; watched her lips twirl upwards as if this was the happiest she had ever been.

And the truth was, that this was the only time in my life, that I felt whole.

"That we are." I hummed, as I pushed her onto her back, surprising her, and I dipped my head to her neck, slowly grazing my teeth on her skin.

My hand took her breast, and with careful fingers, I started to knead her nipple, making her yelp out on pleasure. "S-Sebastian..." She moaned.

"As much as I..." A sharp breath escapes her lips when I pressed my thumb onto her bud and started to rub it slowly as I pumped a finger inside her.

"We...we have to...oh my..."

I didn't care that we were hurt naked in a demolished building, and that anyone we worked for could be looking for us. All I wanted was to feel her, to taste her, to pleasure her like my life depended on it.

Time was not our friend, nor was life as it was cruel, so I found no wrong in enjoying this moment with her before shit hit the fan as I knew it would. Being with Rain, was making me come back to life, and I was not going to let go of this source of happiness any time soon.

Not again.

So when I made her come for the second time that morning, I slide inside her, and fucked her like there was no tomorrow.

And Merlin did it feel so fucking good.

(Sorry for the short chapter! I'm going away will update in a week!)

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