Chapter 14

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Playlist - All good things come to an end by Nelly Furtado

Rain's POV

The crack of thunder jolted through me as I ran through the hallways. Time seemed to have slowed, and I found myself unable to keep steady. My whole world was spinning on its axis, and the only goal I had, was to find the man who had broken my heart again.

I searched everywhere, but there was no sign of Sebastian. Whilst everyone was at the ball, I managed to sneak into the boys dorm room, and found that his bed was deserted, and his dresser was cleared from his items. In a surge of panic, I rushed to the Undercroft, to again find it empty.

The only other place I could think of was Feldcroft, so I called onto Highwing, who flew to me as fast as her wings could take her, and we made our way, my hope slipping from my fingers quicker than the sands of time.

A storm had started to brew, and my visibility became blurred, but I managed to hold onto my trusted Hippogriff with all my strength. The Sallow hut was in sight, and I directed Highwing downwards, feeling the wind attack me with its ferocity.

As soon as we hit the ground, I climbed off her back, and ran towards the hut, bursting through the doors, only to find it empty.

With each crack of thunder, my heart pounded harder, and I had to place my hand to the door frame to steady myself as I started to feel sick and dizzy. But to my surprise, I heard the sound of footsteps from behind me, heavy and dense, until they stopped.

Slowly turning around, I was met with those bronze irises which were filled with pain.

"Why did you leave?" I choked, not caring that the heavy rain was hitting me from all directions, and that I was shaking as the cold iced my bones.

Sebastian stood before me, wearing an all black ensemble that was drenched, but it was his distant look that made my heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

"Because we're -" I cut him off, my arms reaching out to push him further out into the open.

I didn't know where Anne was, and I assumed she had left before him because it seemed like they where planning to run away. But I didn't care, all I wanted was an explanation.

"Don't give me that bullshit Sebastian." I barked, unable to contain the anger that was riveting through me, threatening to consume me once and for all.

He grew silent, but did not falter his gaze.

"We both know that what we did was not what 'friends' do."

"I know." He muttered, finally giving me some sort of emotion that I had been craving. I didn't care if I came across as crazy, I needed answers, and I was going to get them one way or another.

I pushed him again, "Then why leave?" He let me, his body unwavering as I continued to shove him, completely uncaring of the fact that I might have hurt him.

He hurt me.

"Tell me Sebastian." I demanded, my eyes pleading with him as I wrapped my fingers around his wet shirt, pulling him close to me so that our noses were practically touching.

He turned his head, "You wouldn't understand -"

"Then make me understand!" I yelled, anger coursing through my veins like a burning fire ready to scold anything in its way.

Sebastian's vague answers created a monster inside me that I did not realise I had, and my grip around his shirt tightened as I shook him, hoping to get something out of him.

"I have...committed infidelity...and I'm not blaming this on you because I was party to this as well. I wanted this, I wanted YOU. But, you can't keep running away from this...f-from me."

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