Chapter 3

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Sebastian's POV

Ten minutes ago, I was huddled in a circle as I watched a cracked wine bottle spin on its axis, the small object determining who I was going to spend seven minutes in a broom closet with.

Now, I was huddled in with my best friend, who was complaining at how small the compartment was, and how awfully close we were stuck together.

I could smell the whiskey on her breath, and her intoxication matched mine, as we both struggled to stay on our two feet. A sweet aroma danced in the air, and I felt almost light headed as I took in her perfume.

She smelt Devine, and it was difficult for me to concentrate when she was this close to me. I could practically feel the tip of her nose grazing against my chin, and I tried to keep my head straight so that we didn't accidentally touch lips.

"How you, *hiccup* doing." She muttered, the intoxication in her tone making me chuckle.

"Yeaaaaah I'm greaaat, how about you?" I said in equal measure, making her giggle and me burst into a fit of laughter.

Only a few hours ago she wanted to stick my head on a pike, now, we were huddled in a closet and laughing like idiots.

"I'm *hiccup* drunk *hiccup*"

I shifted slightly, and my hands found themselves around her waist as I almost fell forward. She audibly gasped, and my ears picked up the faint sound of her rapid heart beat, as it thudded at the same rhythm as mine.

"Sorry." I muttered, though my hands did not want to leave her curves. It was as if they had a mind of their own, and they remained implanted against her, unwavering.

"It's alright." Her tone was soft, and I took in a deep gulp as her cheek brushed against mine, her skin soft like velvet.

Without thinking, I lifted my hand up, and with the back of my fingers, I stroked her face, making her throat take in a deep, long breath.

My mind was screaming at me, what the hell are you doing Sebastian? But my body and heart were taking over me like a hungry poltergeist. My fingers traced down her jaw, then slowly made their way to her mouth were my thumb pulled down her bottom lip.

Rain did nothing to stop me, but rather placed her hand to my chest as her breath grew quicker. Before I knew it, my  mouth was ghosting over hers, and I could feel my body tremble as I desperately wanted to take her lips between mine.

What are you doing Sebastian?! She's your best friend. Stop this! My mind called out to me over and over again, but I ignored it, as I lightly pressed my lips to hers for a moment.

We both did nothing, just remained still, our lips touching. I didn't know what to do next, I was conflicted within myself because on one hand I really wanted to kiss her, but on the other, she was my friend.

I didn't have feelings for her like that, and it would have been inappropriate for me to just kiss her and then pretend like nothing ever happened.

The alcohol was controlling me, that's what it was. Rain Lancaster was nothing more than just a friend to me and that was it.

So why was I so drawn to her? Why did I want to pull her into my arms, and take her lips to mine. Why was I craving her so?

My internal questions were interrupted when the door of the closet swiftly opened, making both of us yelp and jump apart.

"Merlin's beard you two, it's been fifteen minutes!" Leander Prewett shrieked, his brown eyes widened.

"What have you -"

"Shut up Prewdick." I slurred, my legs barely able to hold me up as I padded out of the closet, only to be greeted by cheers from the boys.

Rain was the shade of the Gryffindor Emblem, and she tried to duck out of sight, but my drunken mind thought it would be a good idea to grab her, and pull her towards me.

Wolf whistles sounded through the room, and that burned a surge of confidence inside me, but my little serpent was not pleased, because she pushed me back gently and ran out of the room and into the hallways.

"Ooooo!" The rest of the crowd yelled out, deciding to irk me, and I completely ignored Ominis, who tried to grab my arm.

"What the hell happened in there?!" He asked, his tone slightly high.

"I need to find her." I replied, but I could barely make sense, and I shot off, barging into every person I could find and completely ignoring the calls to my name.

My body slammed against the walls left and right, and my throat felt as if it was being coaxed in lava as I screamed out Rain's name over and over again.

Peevs even passed me by and stuck his tongue out at me, fucking poltergeist. If he was alive I would -

I couldn't finish my train of thought, before I spotted Rain, huddle in the corner by the great hall, her knees up to her chest and tears running down her cheeks.

A knot formed in my stomach, and I slowly walked towards her, before I gently knelt in front of her and with my finger, tilted her chin upwards to face me.

Her bottom lip was trembling, her eyebrows furrowed upwards in a deep frown, and her gorgeous sable eyes were bloodshot. She looked broken, and I couldn't understand what had happened.

"What's wrong?" I asked her calmly, however she shifted her head to her right, avoiding my gaze and pulling her knees closer to her chest.

"Speak to me, please." I begged, my voice cracking as she scouted away from my touch when I tried to reach out to her.

Her sniffles filled the emptiness that embraced us, and all I wanted to do, was to grab her and pull her into me. To tell her everything was going to be okay and that she didn't need to cry. Whatever was troubling her, we could deal with together.

But deep down, I knew that I had a part to play in this, and her tears were a stream I had created, despite not knowing the reasons why.

"I just need some, *hiccup*, time alone...please go Sebastian."

I don't know what hurt more, the fact that she was crying and I couldn't do anything about it, or that she didn't want me anywhere near her. My own bottom lip was starting to tremble, and I had to choke back the tears that were starting to brim.

With one final attempt, I extended my hand forward, my movements slow, and I cupped her cheek. Her skin was hot and wet, but I didn't care, because she leaned into my touch as she closed her eyes in content. It was if she had instantly relaxed, her shoulders were no longer tense, her brows returned to their normal shape, her lips parted in tranquility.

Rain was a sight to behold, and I had to fight the urge not to kiss her again because I knew that I was too drunk to think straight and neither was she.

With some courage, I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her body, cradling her as she wept. My heart was breaking into a thousand pieces and I couldn't understand why she was feeling this way, but all I wanted to do was to make it better.

To my surprise she let me hold her, and I rubbed her back up and down as we hugged in the bloody corridor, but I didn't care.

"I'm here." I kept whispering to her, my grip tightening as I brought her close to me. I needed her, wanted her to be as close to me as much as possible and no amount alcohol could turn off the flutters that started to kick through my stomach when her lips brushed against mine again.

But that is all that it was, a simple brush. Nothing more, nothing less.

And before we both knew it, we had fallen asleep on the floor, embraced, not knowing that our friendship had just taken a whole different turn.

She was just a friend. That was it.

My best friend.


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