Chapter 4

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Sebastian's POV

The hangover the hammered down on me was probably the worst affliction I had ever felt. Not only did my mind feel like it was being ripped apart, but for some reason, I woke up in Feldcroft, with Rain sleeping soundly beside me.

Panic rushed through me, as my hands lifted the sheet that covered my body - a sign of relief escaped my lips when my eyes scanned over my clothed body.

Merlin's beard, I almost had a heart attack.

Thankfully, Rain was also covered, and I sunk back into the bed, my body relaxing into the mattress.

The air seemed humid, thick with tension, though most of it was resting upon my shoulders as I turned to my side, and watched my raven-haired best friend sleep.

Her lips were slightly parted, and I noticed some drool dripping from the side of her mouth, making me smile to myself. Gorgeous locks, cascaded all over the pillow, creating a frame like structure against her flushed face.

Instinctively, my fingers reached out to brush a strand that was falling across her face and into her mouth, and I tucked it behind her ear.

Shockwaves rushed through my body as soon as my skin touched hers, and I took in a sharp breath as I stayed there for a moment, staring at her.

Glistening rays fell upon her angelic features, making her seem ethereal, radiant and heavenly. The thud of my heartbeat throbbing against my chest, grew silent as I honed in on the small breaths she took as she slept, and how she let out soft whimpers as her brows furrowed in response to the dreams that inhabited her mind.

"Hmmm" she mumbled softly, and I let out a small chuckle as my heart started to swell with a feeling I could not properly recognise.

My mind started to wonder to the events of the night prior, and I almost choked on my own spit when the images of Rain and I, almost about to kiss, appeared in my mind.

Furthermore, how we both fell asleep in each others arms when she started to cry. What on Merlin's beard happened? Yes, I was quite intoxicated, and it didn't help that I had been a bit upset, but that doesn't explain why I was moments away from crashing my lips to hers.

The stirring of Rain's body startled me, and I pulled myself up from the bed, trying to gently slip away to avoid waking her. She looked so peaceful, I did not wish to disrupt her.

My footsteps echoed through the clammy flooring of the hut, and as I rubbed the exhaustion away from my eyes, Anne was silently sipping her tea in front of the fire place.

She was gently rocking back and forth in the chair, her chocolate coloured eyes focused entirely on the dazzling flickers of the fire, as they danced around like the stars in the sky.

Her head spun round to greet the clearing of my throat, and she gave me a small smile, her eyes sparkling in mischief.

What was she up to now?

"Morning you drunkard." She chimed, her dimples creeping out to tease me.

A groan escaped my throat, and I scratched the back of my head as I plumped myself beside her on the ground, my body desperately trying to regain some of the heat that the fire was pushing towards me.

"Don't start." I grumbled, making her chuckle.

"I'm not starting anything, I simply stated a fact."

Touché. The woman was truly of Sallow blood, and I would have been proud of her cocky remarks, had I not been so ill from the alcohol.

"How did we end up here?" I asked, careful not to sound too keen in my question, knowing full well that she would tease me endlessly.

Anne placed her cup to the side, her head fully turning to focus her attention on me. "Ominis brought you and Rain here, he found you both passed out in the corridor. You were a state, didn't make any sense when you came through the door, and you, were acting like a feral animal."

My brows furrowed in confusion. "I beg your pardon? I what?"

She laughed, making annoyance boil through me as my irritation demanded any answer to all this vagueness.

"You didn't leave Rain alone, your hands were everywhere, you kept saying how much you wanted to punch Dorian in the face, by the way who the hell is Dorian? And you kept trying to kiss her every five seconds."

A tomato would have been jealous of the colour of my cheeks, as they flamed red in embarrassment. My eyes widened to the point were they almost fell out from their sockets, and my rib cage was expanding, making it hard for me to breathe.

"I...what?" That is all I could muster, which resulted in Anne bursting out a fit of giggles, throwing her head back and clutching her stomach.

"Merlin, you were so unhinged. It was hilarious! Ominis and I even made a bet on how long it would take you to get together, it seems I am winning so far."

A what? They did what? My mind was spiralling of control and suddenly it was not the alcohol that was making me feel sick.

Did they think that Rain and I had feelings for one another? Why in the world would they think such a thing! I grumbled to myself, annoyed and frustrated by the echoing waves of my sister's laugh.

"Hold on now! What the hell are you talking about? Rain and I will never get together, we are just friends and that is all." I explained, my patience wearing thin as anger started to bubble inside me.

Anne stopped her conundrum, and her eyes turned serious, lips firm in a line. "Do you take me for a fool, brother? I may have been ill for some time but I still carry sense."

One after the other, my nerves started to tangle, and hot fury ripped through me as I shot up from the floor, my face turning sour.

"The only fool here is you Anne, if you think there is anything than just friendship between Rain and I. She means nothing more to me than a girl I am friends with during my years at Hogwarts, and that's it. We probably won't even remain friends after we graduate. I don't like her like that, sometimes I don't even know how the hell I tolerate her!"

I was almost breathless as I finished my rant, and a gasp snapped me from my anger, making me turn my head. The sound did not come from my sister, who was looking behind me in horror, but rather from no other than Rain, who had heard the entire conversation.

My heart sank as I took in her shocked expression, and her bottom lip started to tremble when tears ran down her pink cheeks. Her dark brown eyes looked broken as she stared at me in disappointment and...hurt.

"Oh fuck...Rain I didn't -"

She did not let me explain myself, before she dashed out of the hut, leaving a trail of betrayal behind her for my heart to feast upon.

"What the hell Sebastian!" Anne yelled, her anger coursing through the air as I tried to recall why I said those horrible things about my best friend.

As if my body had turned to stone, I did not move as my sister shook my shoulders and pushed me back, her screams and insults becoming a mere whisper. I had never felt so sick in my life, and I let the contents of my stomach spill, not from the alcohol, but from the harsh words that my own mouth had spewed.

"Ugh, what's going on?"

Ominis's confused tone did nothing to calm down my raging twin as he appeared from the spare bedroom,  nor did it help as I sunk to the floor, feeling overwhelmed and confused.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sound of my heartbeat was making me dizzy, and as I felt it break, the crackle of rain drops shook me out of my trance, and I rushed out to find her.

But Rain was nowhere to be seen.

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