Chapter 2

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Sebastian's POV

"How do I look?"

Ominis's velvety voice snapped me out of my thoughts again, and I turned my head towards him as it rested upon the edge of my palm.

The moonlight created a luminous glow to the dorm room, and it reflected perfectly upon his blonde hair, that had grown lighter over the years. It was slightly longer, and it fell past his chin, however he still slicked it back elegantly as he always did.

I could see why so many women fell to their knees at the sight of him, Ominis Gaunt was an extremely handsome man, and I was not afraid to say it. However, a part of me grew extremely jealous of how close him and Rain had become, and as she giggled at his jokes, I scowled in the corner.

It irritated me beyond belief, and I was convinced that she had feelings for him. But the question that always seemed to taunt me was,  why did it bother me so much?

Why was it, that every-time she talked to anyone, man or woman, I got so irked and confused. It became worse when I walked in on her kissing Dorian, and I was pleasantly happy to punch that peachy smile off his freckled face. The look of horror in his sea green eyes gave me so much pleasure, but when they morphed into dark swirls of anger, I instantly felt horrible.

The asshole was going to be at the party tonight, and he made it a point to shoot death glares at me as he got ready in front of the mirror, his shitty black hair looking like a mess from the back, but I didn't bother to tell him.

How was this guy a Slytherin was beyond me.

"You look like a thousand galleons." I muttered sarcastically, but I did mean the compliment, Ominis did look lovely in the cream coloured shirt that hugged his chest broad perfectly.

"And you look like shit." He remarked, making me snort.

"You're blind." I challenged.

Ominis let out a light laugh, before he walked towards me and placed his hand upon my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze.

"I don't need sight to know." The laughter that erupted from his throat was quite adorable, even as I playfully gave him a little shove and poked his ribs.

I couldn't help the smile that made its way my lips, as the waves of his happiness melted into my ear drums and it swelled my heart to the point were I was grinning like an idiot.

Finally, after so many years of torment, Ominis was finally happy, and it was clear that Rain's influence had a part in it.

She made us all happy.

"Have you guys made up?" He asked through gurgles as he brushed his teeth.

I sighed, the black shirt I wore suddenly feeling heavy upon my shoulders. After the little stunt I pulled earlier that day, Rain refused to even pass me the salt at the table when we had lunch.

It was terribly frustrating to watch, but I only had myself to blame. After all, I did blurt out that the only reason I hid in the restroom was because I found her annoying.

Which was totally untrue.

I just couldn't let her see the chaotic mess my, ugh, privates, had decided to create.

The images of her lying naked and me doing unspeakable things to her had imprinted into my mind, and even now as I plopped the first button of my collar, my trousers started to tighten.

Whatever the reason was that I was thinking about her in this manner, it was certainly not a welcomed feeling. Rain was my best friend, that was all, and although we had grown a bit distant as of late, I still considered her as one of my closest companions.

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