Chapter 5

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Rain's POV

That stupid little shit.

I could not believe my ears, as I listened into the conversation that Sebastian and Anne were having about me. More so, I was entirely flabbergasted at his specific comments that cut me through like a knife would through butter.

"I can barely tolerate her."

After everything I had done for him, after all the sacrifices that I made to cure his sister, he had the audacity to disrespect me in such a manner. What made it worse, was his hot and cold demeanour that utterly confused me to the point, were it felt like I was dealing with Jekyll and Hyde.

One moment, he was tender, kind and almost kissing me, the next, he was slandering me. I felt embarrassed to say the least, considering he sounded utterly disgusted at the prospect of there being something more between us.

I didn't think I was pretty, not at all, my self-esteem was down to the gutter. But hearing it from him, as if the mere thought of seeing me romantically made him feel sick, shattered my heart into a thousand pieces.

Did I ever think of him in any other way than just as a friend? Yes, I did. However, that was simply a physical attraction I harboured towards him as we grew.

It's not like I ever noticed how he scrunched his nose when he was frustrated, or how his brows bowed down when he narrowed his chocolate coloured eyes. No, we were just friends and that was all.

Well, not anymore, because after what I just heard, there was no way in hell I was going to keep our already dying friendship. So that is why, as I marched through the halls in Hogwarts, I found myself knocking on the Slytherin boys dorm door.

The person I wanted to see opened the door with an open mouth, as his sea green eyes glistened in a glimmer of mischief. I knew there was no one in the room at the time, because everyone was out for a day in Hogsmeade, whilst he remained behind to catch up on his studies.

"Rain, what are you doing here?" Dorian asked, his charcoal coloured brows drifting upwards in curiosity.

"You know why."

Before he could blink, I grabbed hold of his collar and smashed my lips to his. Dorian instantly returned it, my lips a familiar touch he had grown used to, and with one swift motion, he grabbed my waist and pulled me upwards.

My legs wrapped around his waist, my fingers travelling to grip into his raven coloured locks that matched mine, and as our tongues waltzed a harmonising dance, before he pulled us both back into the room and closed the door behind him.

Sebastian's POV

Anne gave me an absolute battering.

My silver-haired best friend also did not waste any time to call me a fool, and to scold me relentlessly in a pursuit to make me admit these so called feelings that they seemed so convinced I had towards Rain.

It was downright annoying, and my stubbornness proved willing, as I continued to deny their assumptions and accusations in an attempt to thwart them from their witch hunt.

I will admit that yes, I found Rain attractive. I'd be stupid not too, and she was as beautiful as an angel sent from heaven. However there was nothing there, I felt nothing towards her.

Occasionally I would notice how she twirled her hair around her finger when she was flustered, or how she gently hit her bottom lip when she was trying to focus on something particular.

However, that was a simply observation, nothing more, nothing less.

Now, as I padded my way through the Hogwarts halls, desperately needing the comfort of my bed, I was greeted with a sight that was not welcomed.

Rain exited the boys' dorm room, her fingers trailing to button her shirt as it stood loosely open. Her hair was frazzeled, messy, and she tucked down her skirt that had hitched upwards a bit too much. As my gaze followed her silhoutte, I was met with a male figure that had ermerged from within the room, his dark hair and sea green eyes enlighting fury deep inside of me as he leant down to kiss her.

Dorian's shirt was opened, his chiseled chest taunting me as Rain placed her hands upon it, before she snaked her fingers through his hair, deeping the kiss. My breath started to stagger, and my heart felt like it was being ripped apart by a pack of hungry mongrels. The tips of my fingers started to twist inwards into a first, and I dug my nails into my skin to restrain myself from lunging forward and plummeting him to the ground.

A pounding headache knocked at my forhead, and my body started to tremble as I continued to watch Rain kiss him with a passion I did not know she possessed.

Was she dating him in secret? Did they just...?

Images of her and Dorian doing expclicit things started to rumble through my mind, and I had to clutch my stomach as sickness threatened to escape my throat. My lips formed an O-shape as I started to breathe in and out in an attempt to calm myself, but all I could think of is how much I wanted to let the tears that threatened to fall, cascade down my flushed cheeks.

Why was I feeling this way? Why was I so distarught at the notion of my friend being in a relationship with another man?

As they pulled away, Rain gave him a pearly smile, before he leaned down to place his lips upon her forehead. I quickly hid behind a nearby coloumn as she turned round to walk towards her dorm. Delicate footstops dulled the pain that was pushing through my chest, and I fell silent as I listened to her hymn in content.

Blood poured from my bottom lip as I bit into it, my eyes scrunching in hopes to calm myself. When the ghost was finally clear, and I heard the door slam shut, I let out the breath that I was holding in, alongside a tear that slid down my cheek.

Why the fuck was I crying? Why was I being so pathetic? I kept asking myself over and over again, as my back slid down against the wall, and I sat down on the ground, completely numb.

I was confused, frustrated and most of all, utterly heartbroken. Yet I could not understand why my heart was shredding to pieces when I held no feelings towards Rain in that manner.


That is all we were, and as bitterness started to swirl inside me, I knew exactly what I needed to do to get my mind off things.

So I got up, wiped my cheek, and made my way to find the distraction I needed.

Imelda Reyes.

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