Chapter 16 *

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Playlist - Bring me to life by Evanescence

Sebastian's POV

The moment I aparated back to headquarters, I ran towards my room and let the contents of my stomach loose. Blood stains still enriched my guilty hands, and I stripped down bare, wrapping my body in the scalding hot water that filled the bathtub.

Swirls of red circled around me, and I started to brush my nails across my skin, not caring that I had broken it and wounded myself in the process. I had to wash away the death that gripped me, and most importantly, remove Rain's face from the crevices of my mind.

My heart was beating at a pace my lungs could not keep up with, and as the steam engulfed me, I brought my hand up to my face and slapped myself.

Get a fucking grip Sebastian! I hissed, though no matter how much I bit at my lip, no matter how much I tried to drown myself underneath the water, those beautiful sable eyes could not leave my memory.

I could not believe that I had seen her, spoken to her, after all these years. After moments of pure torture, watching her from afar as she grew up, as she became one of the most astound witches history had ever been graced with, and watched her put on a fake smile, I finally got a chance to reunite with her again.

Merlin I missed her. I had to scar myself every single time I watched over her, because I knew I could not control myself from jumping down and taking her in my arms.

As I rested back into the tub, my senses finally calm, I wrapped my hand around my hardened member, and started to pump up and down as I remembered how soft her skin was against mine, how she wiggled underneath me as I twirled my tongue against her bud.

My movements quickened, and I let out a loud moan, all the while feeling how she tightened around me when I entered her for the first time. It had been a very long since I last satisfied myself, but each time I did, all I could imagine was fucking Rain over and over again till she screamed my name.

We had only had sex once, but that was all I needed to imprint the image in my head, and I rewinded it when I released, when I woke up in the morning and before I laid to rest. Rain had haunted my dreams, and seeing her tonight, had brought back feelings I had long ago buried.

The motions of my wrist as it twisted up and down my shaft, made me fling my head back, my body digging into the tub as I whimpered out her name. Flashes of her beautiful face crept into my mind, and I let out a loud moan as I came, the sounds of her screams echoing through the particles in the air.

I let out a sigh of relief, and sank deeper into the tub until I was completely covered, and I closed my eyes, hoping that I could drown myself this time. But a part of me could not allow myself to end things, not when she had resurfaced.

A knock at my door startled me, and I shot up, coughing up some water that I had swallowed, "What?" I barked, annoyance running deep within my veins as it intensified with each knock.

"Damian wants to see you."

My hand curled up into a fist and I slammed against the tiled wall, and let out a groan as I stood up from the tub, letting the water drip down my body like a serpent wrapping itself around me.

I quickly dried off, and put on my all black ensemble, a garment I had worn too many times to count. The silver curves of the symbol that embroidered itself upon the right side of my chest, glistened underneath the flickering candles that shot their light as I walked through the hallway.

The castle we inhabited was long abandoned, hidden away deep within the forest, south of Ireland. Magic wards and protections shielded us from sight, and the premises was filled with more traps than any dungeon I had the pleasure of encountering.

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