Chapter 12

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Playlist - Heartless the Weekend

Rain's POV

"Come back to bed mio Amore."

A thick Italian accent purred from the double bed that I had conjured in the room of requirement. I turned my gaze, which was currently focused upon the full moon that shined its light beautifully through the skylight, and curled my lips into a smile as I was greeted by Dorian's naked body.

He looked ravishing in all his glory - golden skin looking like he was blessed by the sun god himself, messy raven coloured hair that fell over his sea green eyes that gave me butterflies everytime he looked at me.

Dorian Greer was Devine, and I still could not believe that I was lucky enough to call him my boyfriend.

After his return from Italy, he shockingly confessed that he had feelings for me, and that he had not stopped thinking about me the whole time. I rejected him at first, and explained that I was to take up a position with the Ministry and move to London, but he was determined to make me his, and proposed to follow me there if I wished it.

How could I refuse such an offer from an astound gentleman, who had flourished me with roses every morning until I said yes.

My Slytherin lover was the perfect man, and tonight was our sixth month together, which had gone by very quickly. It was almost the end of the year, and our time at Hogwarts was soon going to become a fond memory.

The end of year ball was fast approaching, however to my dismay, I was not going to be attending with Dorian, as he had to return to Italy again to visit his newly born niece.

He had asked me to go with him, but I was going to start my Auror training in conjunction with his trip, so unfortunately I had to refuse. Dorian was incredibly apologetic about not being there to take me to the dance, but I reassured him that it was an event I did not really have an interest in participating.

Nevertheless, I was going to go with Ominis.

The blind Gaunt and I had become best of friends, practically inseparable, and he had kindly asked me to attend with him as he did not yet have the courage to confess his feelings to Gareth. I encouraged him plenty of times, but he was petrified that Weasley did not like men in that way.

However, I was determined to make the match happen, and I frequently spent time with the ginger Gryffindor to get a feel to his liking. I was certain he had an interest in Ominis because I caught him stealing a few glances at times. It was an adorable notion, one which made me grin like a mad woman.

Despite the clear infatuation, I decided to support my silver haired best friend in any way I could, and if he wanted me to be his date, then I happily obliged. Dorian was okay with it, which made me love him even more.

Yes, I had fallen in love, and the last six months were the happiest I had ever felt.

"Call me that one more time, and we're going to have a round two." I whispered, my tone low and seductive, making him perk up in enthusiasm.

Dorian was a gentleman in public, but in private, he was certainly scandalous.

"Come here then, and I'll show you what else I can do with my mouth." He stated as he winked, making a blush rise to my cheeks.

There was something about Dorian that made me fall for him every second, of every single day, and the more I spent time with him, the more attached I had become.

My long legs shuffled me over, and I bounced on the bed, making him giggle as he wrapped his arms around me. He smelt like the Mediterranean Sea, breezy and aromatic, calming and dangerous.

"Mmmm, you are so beautiful." He murmured, his nose tickling the side of my neck as he buried his face into my shoulder. "Stop, you're going to make me blush." I teased.


The man was an expert at seduction, and he had me at the palm of his hand with just a twirl of his finger against my thigh.  And that finger became a hand between my legs, and his lips made me scream his name as he made me shake with pleasure.

Dorian was the first man I had given my body to, and he was the only one I wanted for the rest of my life. "I love you." I muttered, before we both drifted into a deep slumber, never letting each other go.

Sebastian's POV

6 months had passed since I had last spoke to Rain. And they had been the worst 6 months of my life.

I had never felt this shitty before, not even when I killed my fucking bastard of an uncle who was the shadiest twat I had ever encountered in my whole existence. My heart was breaking every single fucking time I saw her giggling at Dorian's jokes, or when they walked together hand in hand in the great hall.

Or when they kissed passionately.

Breath after breath, I felt my lungs gasp for air that I refused to provide them with, because I drowned in my own regret like a burning whirlpool of lava. The hate that I felt for myself was insatiable, and as I walked through the corridors every morning, I did my hardest not to let the sobs scream out.

It was all my own doing however, and the pain I was feeling now had only begun as a result of my own stupid actions.

However, my day was about to be made a hundred time worse when I overheard a conversation I never expected to indulge in.

"So since Dorian isn't going to be here, shall we go to the ball together?"

Ominis's voice shook me to the core as I dipped behind a nearby column, and watched on, as Rain curled her arms around his neck snd pulled him into a loving embrace.

"Of course, I would love to. Your secret, is my secret."  She muttered, before she caressed his cheek with the back of her hand like a loving fucking wife.

Rain looked absolutely radiant, with a long black dress, coming down to her ankles and hugging her curves perfectly, and her hair was let loose, cascading in waves down her back.

But I was so baffled and horrified by what I had just witnessed, that not even my raging hormones could stop me from hyperventilating.

Where they having an affair? Was my best friend truly going for the woman I had fallen in love with, after he encouraged me to basically confess to her when she was dying after the spider attack?

Was Ominis in love with Rain? 

Dark thoughts from the very crevice of my mind started to jumped across my vision like a starry of flies, and I pulled my hand across my throat to grip it tightly, as I simply could not breathe.

Revenge was icy at the tip of my tongue, but I help back, and thought of the best possible way I could retaliate.

And then one person, who I knew Rain hated with a passion, popped inside my head, and she was happening to be walking past that very moment.

"Imelda!" I shouted, making the brunette stop in her tracks, and she flashed me a grin that made me want to shrivel into a shell.

I could feel Rain's gaze upon me as I walked towards the keen Slytherin, who was batting her eyelashes like crazy, and I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, pulling her to my side.

"How would you like to go to the ball with me?" I asked, though the venom in my voice went untouched as Imelda started to squeak and jump in joy.

"Oh yes Sebastian! I would love to! I'm so glad you asked!"

Her excitement did nothing to soothe the dull pain that knocked upon my chest, but I had a twinkle of joy as I lifted my gaze, and I met those sable rises again for the first time in a very long time.

And they were filled with consumable rage.

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