Chapter 9 *

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* means NSFW content but it's nothing much here

Playlist - I was never there by the weekend

Rain's POV

The cracking thunder shook me awake, and I jumped upwards, sweat dripping down my forehead as I gripped the porcelain coloured sheets between my fingers.

I had my leave taken to the room of requirement, and decided to sleep there for some much needed peace and quiet. After I was injured, I did not have any interest in engaging with anybody, particularly because of the gossip that had spread around the school like wildfire.

Unfortunately, after Sebastian visited me a week prior, we had fallen asleep in the hospital bed, our bodies entangled in a comforting web, until Leander Prewett walked in and paraded the rumour to everyone within ear shot.

"Sebastian and Rain are dating!"

"Oh my, did you hear? Leander caught them doing things in the hospital."

It was not the lies that bothered me, it was more so the fact that I was being taken advantage of when I was weak, and unable to properly defend myself. There was no need for such childish manoeuvres, and I found every single person in my presence irritating because of this.

Poppy had apologised to me a thousand times, and I had to physically pull her off me when she refused to unbind me from her right embrace.

Ominis was a great help, he guided me through the hallways due to my limp, and brought me flowers every morning to cheer me up.

The man was a diamond amongst cobbled stones, and I appreciated the friendship that we shared. I loved him deeply, however rumours then started to emerge that I was dating both Ominis and Sebastian at the same time.

All behold, Ominis had no interest in women. As much as I found him attractive, I would still only consider him a a dear friend. His heart was longing for a certain curly haired ginger Gryffindor, who seemed oblivious to the blonde's affection towards him.

I wanted to make it my mission to unite the two together, but firstly, I needed to deal with the situation that was going on between Sebastian and I. So I laid back upon my bed, and looked up at the ceiling, allowing my mind to flow back to the night before.

24 hours before

"A Penny for your thoughts?"

The gentle tone of Sebastian Sallow startled me as I gazed up towards the darkened sky, which was shimmering with a crowd a stars. I sat upon one of the towers, my feet dangling over the edge and my hair flowed with the wind as it enveloped me in its icy embrace.

His presence here was surprising but not entirely unexpected. Sebastian had not left my side since the accident, and he followed me around like a lost puppy. Our friendship seemed the have mended, however I still had not informed him that I heard every word he said when I was laying upon the brink of death.

I was indeed, madly in love with my best friend, but the thought terrified me. After he rejected me in the Undercroft, I crawled back into my protective shell and concealed my heart with walls as high as the sky.

The truth was, I did not know how to deal with it.

Of course, I was overjoyed, because I knew I had fallen in love with him too. It dawned upon me as the spider ripped into my abdomen, because his face is what appeared in front of my eyes as I lost consciousness. Many might ask, why would I be frightened if he felt the same way?

That, was a question I could not entirely answer.

I took in a deep breath and shimmied over so that Sebastian could sit next to me, and I instantly felt my body fill with a warmth I had been craving for so long. He looked breathtaking underneath the moonlight, and I found myself staring at his perfectly structured side profile as he looked up at the stars.

Web of lies (S.S x FemMC)Where stories live. Discover now