Chapter 20

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Playlist - In the dark by Shaker/Cobra

Sebastian's POV

Ringlets of fire danced in my eyes as the explosion consumed the Ministry and everyone in it. There was no cause of action, no moment of succour, just ash and the smell of burnt bodies rustling through the winds of the aftermath.

The shrieks and screams of my once dearest friend rattled my ear drums, his heart breaking mine as he fought against me, his cries only calling his lover's name. Loss and pain burned through me, realisation coursing through my veins like venom, and for a moment the world stood still as I cradled the woman I loved in my arms.

Rain still looked like a thousand galleons even as she slept, her consciousness dulling as a result of the wound inflicted upon her. Crimson liquid poured onto my armour as I held her to me, my arms pulling her close as I aparated the three of us from the terrible site.

There was no time to mourn, no time to confront Ominis who had curled up into a corner as soon as we landed into my hideout, his cries echoing in a haunting serenade.

Acting quickly, I placed Rain upon a table that was situated in the living room - my hide out was a well protected farmhouse, and it served its purpose over the years. It was far from what I called home, but for the moment, I thanked Merlin for giving me the right intuition when I found this place.

Her breaths were shallow, and I could barely feel her heartbeat underneath my fingertips. In a swift movement, I ripped open her shirt and used my belt to tighten it around her waist to add pressure. Clutters of wiggenweld potions scattered upon a nearby cupboard, and I swiftly grabbed one, my hands shaking, and poured into her mouth.

However she wasn't drinking it, and in a frenzy, I placed the liquid in my mouth, ensuring I did not swallow it, and transferred the potion through to her.

I had to save her - there was no way in hell I was going to lose her to death, not when we had been ripped apart for so long. If she did not live, then all the pain and suffering we had all been through, would have been for nothing.

I could see that the potion had started to work, and the wound started to appear slightly better, but I knew it would not close. Just like I did before, I grabbed a needle and a thread, my mind blocking Ominis's cries and the ringing in my ears from the explosion.

Pushing the sharp point into her flesh, I winced when blood started to pool out more, "Shit!" I hissed, my fingers trembling as I steadily threaded her wound - in and out the needle went, the sound of flesh making me dizzy. Iron aromas filled the room, and as sweat dripped from my forehead, I myself neglected to attend to my own wound, which was burning through my shoulder.

But I did not care, as my mind was focused on solely saving Rain.

A sharp snip of a scissor was heard once I finished tending to Rain's injuries, cleaning the area in hopes that no infection would infiltrate her body.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

My heart did not stop it's assault against my rib cage, and I took in a deep gulp when I examined the raven haired beauty, noticing how pale she has become. Once a woman full of life, now lay dying all because of me.

Covering her with a blanket, and placing a cold cloth upon her forehead to dispel any potential fever, I leaned down to place my lips above her heart, and I let the tears flow down my freckled cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, my love." I whispered, my voice cracking just like the man beside me, whose fists were now curled into my collar, before he pressed me against the wall.

"You fucking killed him!" Ominis screamed, rage evident even in his clouded eyes, and I could taste his hate for me on my tongue, it's plague threatening to break us apart.

I did not avert his hands away from my throat, and I let him squeeze, perhaps a part of me hoping he would actually do it. To end it all. To allow me some reminiscent peace.

"You knew! You knew this would happen otherwise you wouldn't have rushed us to find Gareth! You murdered my soulmate...y-you..."

The once aggrieved blonde was now allowing his anger to dissolve off the tension of his shoulders, and his grip on my neck loosened, finally allowing a shrivel of air to bring my lungs back to life. Nothing was within me apart from sorrow and guilt, a feeling I had not felt for a very long time.

Not since I had killed my uncle.

And now, I was responsible for the deaths of innocent people who did not need to be involved in the war I had chosen to start. But there was no time for regrets, not now, not when Rain was on the edge of death.

As Ominis sobbed, his weeps inflicting a wound in my heart, I carefully enveloped him in an embrace, one that he did not try to pry himself from, and slid down the wall with my best friend in my arms.

After all this time I had abandoned him, only to show up and cause the death of...Gareth.

Although we never really saw eye to eye, I knew he made Ominis happy, I could see that when I watched over them in secret. They had the life I had always wanted with Rain, however all good things come to an end, and the world was too cruel to be forgiven.

"I" I took in a sharp breath, "so sorry Ominis..." I croaked, and I pulled him deeper into me, knowing that this would be the only time that him and I would share some sort of peace together, because the road ahead was going to get one of us killed.

My chestnut eyes raises to check up on Rain, who was still unconscious, and I felt a pressure squeeze my heart. If she died, my whole world would fall apart and I would never be able to live with simply her memory. No, of course I wouldn't, I would follow her to the afterlife.

I had denied myself a life with her because of Damien Gaunt, and now revenge sat upon a throne in my mind, like a greedy king, ready to become a tyrant.

But I had to tell them the truth.

Because they if didn't trust me, then how where they going to ever put their lives at risk if I asked them to?

Soft breaths alerted my eyes to look down at Ominis, who had fallen into a slumber. With a heavy heart, I lifted him up, noticing how heavy he was, but even as my muscles screamed in pain, I continued towards the bedroom and placed him on the bed. Covering him up, I squeezed his hand before I closed the door, knowing that come morning, he would try to kill me.

Slowly making my way towards the blood stained table, the floorboards creaking with each step, I caressed Rain's cheek with the back of my hand, shocking myself at how cold she had suddenly become. But that meant that she did not have a fever, and relief made my shoulders ease.

"Forgive me, my love." I choked, finally letting myself break down, feeling the pain surge through me like molten lava.

I wanted to end it all, to just slit my wrists open or tighten a noose around my neck. All of this chaos happened because of me, and it was all my fault. Rain could have been happy with Dorian or Killian, and yet I chose to ruin her life. I chose to continue to plague her like a disease, slowly killing her on the inside. There was no time for retribution, only a time for war and death.

Delicately, I placed Rain's hand in my own, and brought her knuckles to my lips. She felt so soft, like velvet, and my eyes fluttered to a close as I savoured her touch, her smell, her very essence as the fear of losing her consumed me once again.

However, before I could let myself be punished from my sins, Hypnos took me in his arms and placed me in a coma of slumber, haunted by the horrors of my past.

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