Chapter 10 *

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Playlist - Friends by Chase Atlantic

Sebastian's POV

Sleep had become a stranger to me in the last few days, and I seldom found myself the opportunity to dive myself in slumber. However, the night prior proved the most taxing, because a certain raven haired witch could not leave my every thought.

I laid in bed, the sheets curling between my fingers as I felt the softness of her lips against mine, felt the goosebumps on her skin and pleasured in the sliding of her tongue against my neck.

Never in a million years had I ever imagined that Rain and I would kiss, let alone her begging me to take her upon the tower. The image of it sent shiver down my spine, and I bit into my lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to creep out.

I wanted nothing more than to ravage her, to feel her naked breasts underneath the palms of my hand, to bring my mouth to were I could provide her with the ultimate pleasure. Even as I sunk into my imagination, I could not contain the sheer bliss that racked through my body as I imagined what she would taste like.

The thudding of my heart increased when I pictured her bare, her thick thighs spread for me, allowing to me twirl my tongue against her bud.

Merlin, I was going insane.

As much as I wanted to indulge in self-gratification, I could not bring myself to provide the ecstasy that I only sought from Rain's hand, and mouth.

The things I wanted to show her, to do to her were unspeakable, and my cheeks tinted red as I continued to indulge in the fantasies that I desperately wanted to become reality.

My mind shifted back to her words, "I want you inside me," and I almost fell from the bed as I played her voice over and over again. I was a gentleman, or so I thought, I was raised to act with honour, but that honour was growing more precarious with ever second I spent in her presence. (Guess the reference ;)

However, I still found myself at a dead end, and I wondered why Rain had kissed me. She claimed she heard none of the confession I blurted out at the hospital, so why, did she kiss me so passionately?

I was not complaining, but it begged the question as to whether or not she had lied to me. If she did, was she frightened to come forward with her feelings? Or was she planning to reject me but could not bring herself to do so?

On the other hand, Rain seemed quite happy when I admitted that Imelda and I were not in fact dating, and I saw a glint in her eyes that sparked a primal sense within me.

Unfortunately, we had not discussed the situation after we were almost caught by Mr Moon, nor did we acknowledge the fact that she had transported us to the common room without apparation. Whilst that was puzzling, I had more pressing matters to focus on, and that was dealing with what we had going on.

So I decided there and then, at the clasp of midnight, that I was going to parlay with her. I didn't know how I was going to go about it, considering she slept in the girls' dorm, and if I entered it I would be confringo'd out of there. But alas, I hopped from the bed, tiptoed gracefully across the room (whilst also sneaking a peak at Ominis who had his mouth open wide) and closed the door behind me.

With a deep breath, I paddled to the other side of the metal bridge, and lifted my hand to open the girls dorm, until someone beat me to it.

"Sebastian?! What are you doing here?"

Rain stood before me in a sheer nightdress, her breasts poking out from underneath the thin material, making my member instantly grow into a rock. I almost bit my tongue as I took in the sight of her - luscious black locks curling down to her chest, illuminating skin that was highlighted underneath the moonlight, and that bloody dress that hugged her curves perfectly, making me want to rip it off her.

She was exquisite, and I became instantly flustered when I noticed my very hard member.

Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out, and she gave me a look that suggested I had sounded like the dumbest person on the planet.

"I sleep here. It's the girls' dorm." She stated, her tone deadpan with a hint of amusement.

I wanted to slap myself across the face, but I quickly recovered and cleared my throat. "Right. I was looking for you actually."

Her thick brows raised upwards, and I noticed how the front hairs were slightly faded, which made her look more natural and I liked that. I never really paid attention to girly things, but I found myself examining the arch of her brow, and how the tail perfectly aligned with the edges of her eyes.

Almond shaped. Beautifully carved like they were sculpted by a god, and whoever this sculptor was, they created a goddess.

"Is everything alright?" She asked gently, as she wrapped her arms above her chest, making breasts push upwards more.

Fuck me.

"Ugh..." I stuttered, unable to string a decent sentence together without sounding like I had lost the plot.

Rain patiently waited for my answer, and I could see a hint of a smile underneath her tired expression, which always meant that she was excited. But what was she excited about?

With a scratch to the back of my head, I straightened my hunched shoulders and towered over her, making her gulp as her sable eyes racked over my body. I could tell she was feeling some type of way by how red her neck had become, and how she bit at her bottom lip.

"We should about...yesterday."

I sounded pathetic, mostly because my voice cracked at the end and her mouth parted in realisation, making me yelp. The gears were turning in her head, and she shifted from one foot to another, her confidence that struck me upon her opening the door, dimming slightly.

"Uh...yeah...sure." She muttered, before she bit into her lip again, making my eyes divert to them.


I knew I was a goner as soon as I laid my gaze on her mouth, and that feeling of pure desire washed over me like the savage ocean in a storm. There was nothing I could do to control it, and instead of talking with her as I originally planned, I found myself pushing her back against the now closed door, my hands at either side of her face.

Rain's gasp echoed through the hall, and my breath matched the same pace as hers, rapid and unsteady. Whatever had gotten over me, had dug it's claws into my mind and body, because before I knew it, I had brought my lips down to hers in a fiery kiss.

And that, is when I knew I was done for.

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