Chapter 6

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Playlist - The Heart wants what the heart wants by Selena Gomez

Rain's POV

Six days have passed since Sebastian last spoke with me.

Six days since he started to avoid my gaze every time I tried to look at him during class.

Six days since he had told his sister that he would never, ever, see me as anything more than just a friend.

Not even that, it was more the fact that he made it clear he could barely tolerate me. If anyone should have been giving the silent treatment, it was me, however, I was left completely baffled when Sebastian barged my shoulder when he passed me in the corridor.

Or when he refused to pass me a textbook I needed when he, Ominis and I were studying in the library. The silver-haired Slytherin could feel the tension that brewed between his two best friends, yet, he decided not to act upon it.

I wish he did, purely for the fact that I could no longer engage in the painful process of Sebastian's clear annoyance towards me, and I wanted a peaceful few months before I graduated.

As for the present, I was currently sitting in the Slytherin common room, my body relishing the heat of the fireplace as I turned every page of the muggle book I was reading.

"Pride and Prejudice"

Such a title was unable to be obtained within the British nation, but Deek was kind enough to find a copy for me as a present for my birthday. The kind elf had become a confident of mine, and we often cared for the beasts in my vivarium together. It was safe to say, that he was someone I often turned to for advice.

My eyes scanned over the fifth page of the enthralling book, and I plucked my finger upon the edge of the paper, causing a paper cut. I hissed as the wound stung, and brought my finger to my lips to wash the blood away.

"Morning beautiful."

A velvety voice that passed through my ears like smooth caramel brought forth a well-needed smile, and I turned my head as soon as Dorian leaned down to capture my lips with his.

He tasted like the Mediterranean Sea, and oddly enough, I found myself deeply attached to him.

Dorian and I were not in a relationship, though we did engage in activities together that might have caused scandal through the shallow crevices of our society. That is why, we decided it best to keep it a secret.

We both had troubled pasts, being orphans and stuck in a horrid system of a dreadful orphanage, had created enough trauma for us to write a whole novel. I suppose that is why we were drawn to each other in that way.

There were no feelings there, not really, more so a mutual understanding and affection for one another. He was the most desired man in school, yet he still did not provide any attention to the desperate girls that pied for his attention. His focus was only on me.

"Morning, you look cheery this morning." I beamed, as I scooted to the side to allow him to sit next to me.

His arm snaked its way around my shoulders, and I rested my head against him as we gazed upon the flickering fire.

"I've got an angel beside me, what else could I want." He muttered, his thick Italian accent making my stomach flutter.

I playfully barged my shoulder into his, making him laugh. "I hope you haven't developed feelings for me Mr Greer, that will cause us a problem." I teased.

Though his sea-green eyes remained playful, his jaw tensed slightly at my comment, and his thick brows curved upwards in a way he thought I would not notice.

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