Chapter 8

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Playlist - Eyewater by Hiroyuki Sawano and Cardigan by Taylor Swift

Sebastian's POV

"Sebastian wake up."

I let out a groan as Ominis's voice rang through my ears like a buzzing bee. My neck was hurting as I lifted my head up, as I was leaning to the side, my back firmly placed against the wall in the corridor. The night had fallen, and the moonlight shined brightly in my eyes, making me squint in irritation.

"Bash, it's Rain."

As soon as her name left his lips, I jumped to my feet, my heart starting to pound again like a raging bull, and I walked towards him so that I was inches away from him.

"What? Is she awake?" I asked urgently, my palms starting to sweat in anticipation. The man looked pale in comparison to his usual colour, and the bags under his eyes suggested that he too, was riddled with worry.

"No, Nurse Blainey said she lost a lot of blood. They have managed to stabilise her, but -" He stopped in his tracks, his words fumbling as did

"But what?" I was impatient, and his reaction was making me nervous.

"I-Ugh-" He stuttered, making my heart beat after in friction, as my mind started to wander to the darkest places.

"But WHAT Ominis?!" I barked, unable to hold back the anxiety that was crippling me with every ticking second. The man's expression turned distant, and despite not being able to see, he had so much depth in his eyes that I found myself lost in them every time I looked at him.

He took in a deep gulp and patted his palms against his trousers. "It's most likely she won't make it through the night."

A hammer came down and chattered my rib cage because I suddenly felt unable to release any breaths as Ominis's words scattered through my mind like a nest of wasps. He was fucking with me. There was no way, that Rain, one of the most powerful witches to walk the earth, was about to die at the hands of a fucking spider. This was preposterous and unacceptable.

"Stop it. Stop messing with me." I muttered, hoping he would drop this act.

"Sebastian -" I cut him off.

"No. No, I refuse to accept this. How can SHE, a woman powerful enough to defeat Ranrok and monsters alike, about to be befallen by a mere spider? No, she cannot. This is - no." I wasn't making any sense, my speech was deterred, and my lips were flapping about like they had a mind of their own.

"Sebastian, please calm down, you must be strong." Ominis's calming tone fired up something inside me, and I started to pace back in forth as my mind swirled around in contention. The lines between reality and imagination started to blur, and I sunk my fingernails into the wall, almost breaking them, in hopes to steady my swaying body.

"No, no, no, I can't do this again, I can't lose someone else I...Merlin, I can't breathe, my heart feels like it's being ripped into pieces."

Ominis gripped my shoulders, his fingers digging into my skin a bit too roughly, making me yelp. "Bloody Hell Sebastian! Snap out of it!"

He was panicking as much as I was, I understood that, but I wasn't thinking straight and I needed to remove myself from the situation before I went utterly insane from the crippling anxiety that was wrapping its claws around my throat.

"I'm weak, I can't be strong, not right now! If she..what if she...I need to get out of here. I can't think straight, I feel sick." Sweat was dripping down my forehead like a waterfall in winter, and I steadied myself against the wall when my legs started to shake.

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