Chapter 17 **

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Playlist - Seven Devils By Florence and the Machine

Warning - Extreme Explicit Content

Rain's POV 

"Earth to Rain?"

Livia Novak's voice shattered through my bubble of thoughts, making my head snap to meet her piercing forest green eyes that gleamed against her porcelain skin. The woman was a Slytherin, just like Ella and I, but she often made me feel insecure about myself, considering she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever laid my eyes on.

Well, both Ella and Athena were just as gorgeous, and next to the three of them, I was the incarnation of a chomping cabbage. What really inspired me, was Livia's scar, that ran across her cheek, a gift from the fire she barely managed to escape from. She wore it gracefully, and it made her features a lot more prominent, especially her sharp jaw line, which was to die for.

Our small group consisted of Livia, Ella, Athena, Belistat and Luzi, who were a couple, and Scarlet and Seth, the Strongblood twins.  Alongside Ominis, Gareth, Poppy and Natty, these bunch of maniacs were my lifeblood, and I loved them all dearly.

I would do anything for them.

Our recent addition, Castiel Thornhill, had captured our dear Livia's heart, and the two became engaged fairly quickly. Though, despite the rumours and interpretations of their relationship, I could clearly see how in love they were, which at times, caused my heart to break.

I was happy for them of course, but I longed so desperately to have what they did.

The Ministry headquarters was bustling with life, and I was huddled in between Ella and Athena, who were chatting away, though my mind was not in sequence with their conversation.

"Hm?" I muttered, my arm numb from the position I was in. "You're spacing out again." She muttered, making both Athena and Ella stop to look at me.

"Are you okay? After last night?" Ella's sympathy wavered through the room, and Athena placed her delicate hand atop of mine.

"Do you want to talk about it love?" The blonde haired beauty asked, making me nod my head softly.

I cleared my throat and rubbed my hands against my thighs, "I'm alright I promise. Nothing I haven't seen before." I lied.

My friends all gave me a sympathetic look, and I was surprised when Livia wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug.

"We're here for you." She mumbled against my neck, and I gave her a tight squeeze before placing a small kiss on her cheek, making her blush.

"Thank you, all of you, but I have to head off to see Killian." I stated as I rose from the plush arm chair I was sitting on and adjusted my corset.

"Have funnnn!" Ella teased all the while whilst wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. The girls laughed and I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the smile that was ghosting behind my broken heart.

The conversation with Killian went smoother than I expected, and my superior seemed to believe the barrel of lies that I had produced. I still did not understand why I was so inclined to cover up my encounter with Sebastian, and I became so frustrated, that when I arrived back to the flat, I ignored both Gareth and Ominis, and made my way towards the bathroom.

Sliding down the edge of the bathtub, I sunk underneath the water, hoping that I could somehow drown myself, but every time I felt my lungs fighting for air, I rushed back up, coughing and crying.

Sob after sob, I let the scalding water wash away the pain that was clawing at me, but no matter how much I tried, my heart felt like it was being stabbed by a sharp knife.

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