Chapter 1

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Sebastian's POV

The journey to Feldcroft was awful to say the least, as for the most part, Rain gave me no consolation to her avoidance. She threatened not to shift her gaze to mine, even as my eyes begged for her attention.

Ms Lancaster was a stubborn little serpent, and she often let her pride take over any other sense or sentiment, which led to escalations. Though, I doubt I had a leg to stand on, considering I too, was controlled by hubris.

The sound of my heartbeat outshined the whisks of the air as we rode our brooms, Ominis to my left, and Rain to my right. I had to clutch the handle tighter, because I got too distracted by how her raven tresses flew wildly, like a ravenous, untamed stallion.

She did remind me of a horse, not in a nasty way, but her very nature. Rain was unpredictable, and it was difficult to calculate her intentions. I adored her strong will, and I enjoyed it when she pushed me back and put me in my place.

Perhaps that is why I liked teasing her so much, because no one, not even my sister, had the courage to take me down a peg or two.

But she did.

As we shot down towards the hut, she leaned forward a bit too much, and I almost flew off my broom when her back arched in a way that made me feel something, that I had not felt before.

I was very attentive towards her, specifically how her body moved. The way her muscles extended when she swirled her wand in the air, the way her thick thighs stood firm and powerful as she gracefully took down her enemies like a ballerina in a suit of armour.

Rain was physically strong, and I was for certain, she could beat me in an arm wrestle if I ever gave her the opportunity to do so. But I could never let that happen, Ominis would shame me for weeks.

As I stepped off my broom, I could feel those onyx coloured eyes burning holes in the back of my head, and I couldn't help the electricity that jolted through my body as I lifted my own gaze to meet hers.

Crimson took over her skin, and she swiftly turned her head, in an attempt to hide her coyness. I chuckled to myself, completely enamoured by her and utterly obvious to my twin, who was standing at the door way looking awfully cross.

Anne has blossomed after Rain lifted the ailment, and she had become almost the identical reflection of me. The crowd of freckles took a new breath of life, and they splattered over her olive skin, just like mine.

Though despite her physical improvements, her mental state had deteriorated. My sister had refused to return to Hogwarts, claiming she had been suffering with PTSD from the events that took place on our fifth year.

I tried not too look to much into it, but I knew that she harboured some lingering hate towards me for what I did to our uncle.

Even after we had discovered, that he had been tampering with her medicine, she still blamed me. The guilt that riddled me had long dissipated when Rain found evidence of the corrupted drink that Anne had been taking, all because Solomon was twisted and sick.

After that revelation, I was glad that I took that menacing bastard's life.

So as she normally did, Anne wrapped her arms around Rain first, giving her a tight squeeze, Ominis second and me, of course, last. Her embrace was far from warm, and I often felt as if I was in the arctic.

"Brother." She said, her lips in a firm line.


My tone was also icy, and although I did not wish to become distanced with my sister, I found it difficult to shower her with the affection I once did.

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