{1} studying

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Luna's POV

Being insecure is awful. It's painful. It makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself, distance yourself from other people-great people in your life.

I was always taught to be positive about anything about you. It's about choosing to right people to become friends with that'll be positive and make you feel powerful.

But you know, I'm really sick of it. The pain. The hurt. The sorrow. I used to believe in all that. Until that night. He took all of my happiness away. And I will never forget that.

Even though that was three years ago, I've never trusted any guy. Not even my dad. It just makes me sick to the stomach. I remember the hurt look my father gave me when one day I just didn't let him hug me, kiss me goodnight on the forehead. It hurt me too. Being to scared to be hugged by my dad. The worst thing is that my parents don't even know what happened to me. Only Taylor my ride or die. And I hope to keep it that way. Only her knowing.

Okay enough of this sad shit, let's focus on my studies

"Luna, come here!!!". I hear from the other side of my door.

I let out a groan before getting up from my desk chair and towards where the sound is coming from.

"What" I say while opening the door "I'm trying to study here".

Looking around the room I can see Stella and Taylor getting dressed up and putting on make up.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask curiously.

"To Michaels party...you should come." Taylor says. "You'll have lots of fun"

Meet Taylor Seller. My best friend, I've known her since the day I was born. Our family's were friends so that's why but yeah we were just tied to the hip since then and she been my ride or die. She's been there for me through everything.

Taylor took care of me and supported me through it all. And back in high school...let's just say she beat up anyone who talked about me. I can never repay her for it all and I'm grateful we both got into the same college.

We're both juniors at UCSD and we're also roommates. Also including our other roommate Stella, we met her our freshman year and became great friends so we all decided to move out of the dorms and move in together in a apartment that Stella parents pay for. I've offered many times to pay but they just won't let me saying 'don't worry about money yet and live in the college experience' whatever that means.

Realizing I zoned out I say "No thanks. I still have to finish my work"

"Oh my gosh, girl come on you've been working non-stop take a break"

"No it's fine I'll rather get it done now than worry later but thanks for the invite" I say while taking sneaky steps back into my room. 

Once's I'm in my room, I run my hand through hair and blow out a sigh. I see my mirror and just start looking at myself.

Just looking.

Not even thinking.

No thoughts.

Just looking at my attire. I'm just wearing a white spaghetti tightish crop top with a spider web directly in the middle. And some plain white and blue striped pajama pants.

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