{15} "sorry baby, but it is what it is"

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Cameron's POV

I was going to start following Luke over to the girls but as I'm getting up, a girl who I never met comes up to me.

"Hey" she twirls her hair with one finger while trying to jump to sit on my desk but failing miserably.

"Hi" I give her a tight-lipped smile, uninterested.

"So, I see your alone" she looks down at me.

"Yup. I see why you can see that" Just then, Luna walks past us. I look at her back, my eyes trail down until they lands on her ass. God, her ass looks magnificent. Perfect.

She looks behind her and our eyes meet. She probably felt my eyes on her ass. I smirk, leaning more into this girl who I don't know.

She scoffs and turns back around, going to the professor's desk. I hate that guy. He's always getting way to close to girls. I don't say anything because I don't have proof but I will on day. He looks worried and says something I can't make out. He gets close to her, too close.

I swear, if he ever touches Luna, I'll break every bone in his body.

He nods his head and she rushes out. Hmm.

"......anyways-wait, are you even listening?" Oh, I forgot about this girl.

"Actually, I'm already white someone" I look at Luke and try to holler him over here. Luke finally looks at me and gets the memo. He rushes over.

"Hey, yeah, yup. He's right. Now, bye, bye" he grabs my arms and drags me to Stella.

She looks up and smiles "you in?" I nod my head.

We spent the past 15 minutes planning out what we're going to do. I'm beginning to wonder where Luna went but that thought goes away when she comes in the classroom.

Her face red and nose stuffy

From crying

Why was she crying? Better yet, who made her cry?

She starts walking over to us but stops when she looks up and sees me. Face confused.

Stella must have seen her face because she cowers her throat, looks down then back up at her.

"He's going to be working with us" she tells her. Her face worried like she just noticed that she must have been crying.

Luna quickly looks up at Stella. "No." she says with attitude. Glancing at me then back to Stella

"No?" says a confused Luke "What do you mean no?" Luke turns to Luna after she said no to putting me in their group. I didn't want to work with her.

She looks at him. "I mean no. I don't want to worn with him." She confirms.

"Well, if you want me. Your gonna have him too"

"We don't need you. Either of you"

"Lu Lu," Stella looks at her pleadingly "we need them. Everyone else found a group already. We're not going to get anything done if we keep arguing about this" she gets closer to Luna and slightly rubs her arm.

Luna rolls her eyes, throwing her head back, groaning, "ugh, fine." She points a finger at Luke and I "but, if either of you don't do anything, you will be out of the group and get an F. Got it?" We both nod, me putting my hands up as surrender and Luke hugging her.

She quickly steps away before he can fully hug her "...don't" she puts her hand up stopping him.

"What?" He pouts "can't I hug you? You did us a huge favor" he then smiles, heading closer to try and hug her again.

She tries to push him back again "Luke stop,......I said no...." She chokes out but he doesn't listen and continues.

"Luke," I get closer to them and grab the back of his shirt, pulling him to me "she said no, that means no dumbass" I let go of his shirt. I look at Luna who looks surprised. Stella hits the back of his head, whispering something in his ear.

What? She felt uncomfortable so yeah, I helped

But why was she so scared of him hugging her?

I mean, they've known each other for like 3 years I thought they'd be comfortable with each other.

"Can we just get to work?" Sitting down and putting her head down, Luna looks tired as shit.

"Yeah" Stella sits to her right, hugging her from the side.

Luke goes to sit next to Luna but I grab his shirt again and pull him back.

"Touch her again, and you won't have any hands" I say lowly so no one but us hears.

"I'm sorry okay?. I thought she was joking"

"Well she wasn't" I push him back a bit and go sit by Luna, on her left.

She brings her head up to look to see who sat next to her. Once's she sees me, she rolls her eyes. "What are you doing?" She hisses out.

I smirk "what? I wanted to be with you." I lean my arm up and the desk, rest my head on my head and lean closer to her.

She scoffs, rolling her eyes again. "Yeah, sure. Can't you just leave me alone? Don't be in my group." She pleads.

"Sorry baby, but it is what it is" my smirk haven't left my face but I still notice that her nose is still stuffy from crying.

"Hey, you okay? You look like you were crying" I whisper, now my smirk has left. I'm serious right now, I don't know why but I really want to know why she was upset. So upset she cried.

"Like you would care" she says rudely. Just when I was going to reply, the bell rang.

"Wai-" I didn't get to finish because she grabbed her things and rushed out the door, Stella following not long after.

"Good job for trying" Luke shrugs his shoulders, giving me an unsure look.


Another short chapter I know and I'm sorry
:( also sorry for lying and saying I would update either last night or this morning. Also this chapter was shit and I'm having the urge to just delete this whole book :/ so yeah. My bangs are looking better now.

Question: favorite color?

Word count: 980

love - kayla ❤️

love - kayla ❤️

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