{10} hangovers and shopping

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Luna's POV

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning, was running to the bathroom puking my guts out. The pain I felt in my head was pounding so hard. God I was so hungover.

"Fuck..." I mumble to myself while wiping my mouth. I get up from of the floor and to the sink to rinse of my mouth. After that I open the cabinet to get Advil. I get two tablets, swallowing it down with some water.

I walk out of the bathroom and out my bedroom door. I see Taylor drinking something in the kitchen, coffee I think.

"Hey..." I grumble out walking past her and to the pantry to take out some hot chocolate.I absolutely hate coffee so I'm addicted to the next best thing, hot chocolate.

"Morning.." Taylor blows out a breath, drinking her coffee. "So...last night happened" she looks at me

"Yup" I run a hand through my hair. "What?" I ask when she keeps looking at me.

"Last night? Remember?" She look at me expectantly.

"What about it?....We drank and had fun" I said carefully, eyeing her.

"Girl..you literally made out with Cameron for like" she stops to think while I look at her wide-eyed "seven full minutes. Not gonna lie, it was hot to watch" she winks at me.

"Did I really make out with him?" She nods seriously, "fuck....it's all coming back to me right now" I grumble.

I can't believe I physically made out with him by doing spin the bottle. Damn, it was an amazing make out sesh. I barely remember it but I do remember how his hands trailed all up and down my body and his tongue. The things I want it to do to m-no, you hate him.

"Whatever, it was nothing" I shrug, taking my hot chocolate out of the microwave and setting it down on the counter.

"Are you sure it was nothing?...I just saw you like go back in time, just thinking about it" she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"It's nothing. It didn't mean anything. I hate him so much, why would it mean anything? I mean I don't think it meant anything to him so why would it mean anything to m-" I'm cut of by Taylor pressing her body against mine, wrapping me up in her arms.

"Hey...it's okay" she pulls back looking into my eyes "stop overthinking this. Like you said, it's just a kiss. I believe you. You don't have to explain yourself okay?" I nod pulling her back.

"Okay, now stop the crying and let's go" she pulls away excitedly.

"May I ask where we're going?" I'm not going somewhere with her without me knowing. One time she saw me crying and took me to a strip club to brighten my day. Yup, never again.

"Oh god. I'm not kidnapping you, we're going to the mall and bitch, your going. I'll drag you if I have to" she shoves me out the kitchen doors.

"Now get you sexy ass in your room and change, I'll go wake Stell up" she smacks my ass when we were at my door.

"Yeah yeah," I mutter walking in my room and closing the door.

I lean against the door frame, letting out a big sigh. I push my butt which let me get away from the door and walk to my closet.

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