{20} "What the fuck!?!"

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Cameron's POV

"What the fuck!?!" Is the first thing I hear when I walk into the kitchen.

I scrunch my face up from the loud noise, coming from the loudest person himself: Luke

"what now?" I grumble out as I open the fridge looking for eggs. The fridge slams shut and Luke is in front of it.

"What the fuck man?" I look at him.

"You what the fuck why was Luna coming out of your room late at night?" Fuck I forgot.

Last night.

Me and Luna.

I fucked her with my fingers.

And I loved every second. Her lips they were so angelic. Her body was mesmerizing. And I couldn't stop looking at her eyes, I could stare at them forever.

"Um hello? Are you okay" Luke snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"we didn't do anything. End of discussion I'm not having this" I walk out of the kitchen and go to my room.

I wanted to tell him we did things, but I don't know if she'd like that and whatever she says goes.

What the fuck are you talking about?

What do you mean?

You're on your knees for her.

No, I'm not.

are too.

Am not.

Are t-

I'm not having this.

I go to my drawers and get some shorts and a compression shirt. After putting them on, I grab my keys and head out of my room. I put my shoes on that we're by the door. "Bye" I tell Luke who's still in the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" he's a cereal right after asking me.

"out" I walk out the door.


Three hours later, I'm walking out the gym and heading to my car. First time to take a shower, then I need to go to the library and study.

Luna must be at the library. That's usually where she studies all the time.

How do you know?

I don't let's stop talking about this.

Once I get in my car, I start it and start my drive back home. I get there within 20 minutes and I hear a lot of noise coming from inside the house.

I blow out a long, deep breath as I turn off the car and get out. I walk up the steps and open the door, the noise becoming louder.

Of course. Stella and Taylor are here. I don't mind that trust me it's just, Luke and Nick gossip about them to me after all the fucking time. They're love birds.

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