{16} "god I hate him"

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Luna's POV

"god I hate him" I grumble, rushing to put my books in my bag. Eyes still red and puffy. I just left class, which was the one Cameron was in. God, Cameron. He just always finds a way to annoy me. Like, I'm sorry you're stupid but I don't want to work with you.

Also, everything was just so awkward after what happened with Luke. I didn't mean to react like that, it just happened.

I should've just talked to him calmly, not like a baby.

God I hate myself.

"Hate is a pretty strong word, Luna," Stella says beside me, watching me with concerned eyes. When I stop my movements and glare at her, she clears her throats.

"I mean, I know you don't like him but come on, he's Luke's best friend. I know that's not an excuse but I just don't want anyone or anything ruining anything. Got it?" she finishes sternly.

I roll my eyes and slump my shoulders down, by now, we've made it too our next class which we have together. "I really don't like him but I won't start anything, okay?" we both sit down in the back again.

"That's all I wanted. Thanks babe" she side hugs me. I hugged back and smiled at her. As much as I feel super uncomfortable receiving hugs, hugs from Stella and Taylor are the best.

I mean, they know how I feel about the whole anyone touching me so that's great that they don't push they're limits with me. Also, hugs are great when they're meaningful.

When we let go of each other, she looks at me and smiles.

She lifts her hands up, wiping under my eyes, I guess maybe because of the tears or my face being stuffy. As she's doing this, she tells me "you look way too beautiful today to cry okay? I don't want you crying because of what somebody said anything okay? so if something happens, you tell me. I don't want you to go through this alone. I'm here for you babe. Again you look way too beautiful to cry" she smiles at me.

I give her a tight-lippid smile, wanting to cry again. God, I love her so much "thanks babe" is the only thing I can come up with before I start literally bawling again.

We both start taking what we need for class out.

"You know what?" I hear from Stella after like ten minutes of us listening to the lecture. I glance at her then continue to listen, mumbling a "mmhm?"

I feel her shift closer to me and now i know that she did for a fact because now, her hot breath is by my ear. "We should get you a boyfriend or just someone to hook up with" she whispers.

I whip my head so fast towards her, my head hurt like hell, "what on earth are you talking about?!?" i whisper-yell, my eyes popping like I just seen a ghost. Dating? hell no. Fuck that shit. Not after what happened the last time.

She shrugs her shoulders, leaning more towards me. "I mean.." she whispers "you haven't got laid in like forever. Let's change that" when I side eye her, she wink.

"Ughh, no. I can't believe you just said that" I groan while putting my hands on my face.

"Oh come on. Everyone needs a good fuck every once in a while. Why do you think I'm happy?" She smiles

"First of all ew. I don't want to know about your sex life babe" i look off and shake my head as if I'm disgusted, she pushes my shoulder, scoffing out loud.

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes.

"Excuse you," our old professor says, rudely, "would you like to teach the class miss Richards?"

Both of our heads look up to him.

Stell scoots in more towards her desk, putting both her arms on the table. "No, no I wouldn't mr. Ross" sarcastically she says, with a totally obvious fake smile.

"Well than, Stop interrupting my class" he turns back around, finishing what he was riding on the board.

I turned to Stell "girl don't be so rude. He's like 60" I point out to her,

"Oh, whatever he's gonna die soon anyways, it's not like you remember us"

this girl.

She just-

Do you know what? I'm gonna let her do her.

I just took her off and focus on what I should be doing but but then I start to focus on other things...like Cameron.

God, Cameron just won't leave my fucking mind, it's like every time I try to forget about him BOOM!
he's there.

I need to stop this I don't even know what, this thing is or what he wants for me, but it needs to stop.

"You said that there's a bar opening near here?" I hesitantly ask Stella.

She looks at me dumbfounded, until it finally registers in her head then she is shaking her head up and down, whispering "YASSSS".

"Okay let's do it. No sex" i clarify, "I'm not ready for any of that yet" i whisper.

"Totally understandable later, but I am gonna dress you up tonight and you're gonna look so fucking hot" she winks at me, lifting both her eyebrows up and down.

"Oh, shut up" I smile so big it starts to hurt my cheeks.

I love my friends are so supportive and positive rock me it makes me feel so happy. To know that they actually like being my friend or more like we're all just sisters but I truly love them and I don't know why do without them.

"Let's hope for the best tonight" I blow out a breath of air, hoping tonight will go great.


OMG guys I finally posted!!!! Fuck like I am so sorry I have not posted for almost a month. I've just been in like the biggest fucking writing slump, but I finally got out of it and I will be posting way more. This chapter was really short and shit which I'm really sorry about but if I don't post another one tonight, I will definitely tomorrow.

kisses 💋- kayla

Word count: 1038

Word count: 1038

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