{18} clubs

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Luna's POV

"Tagging along, princess" he whispers in my ear.

God, I swear I just got goosebumps. But no, I won't let him affect me. I hate him. Stick with that.

I walk right past him, pushing his shoulder on the way and open the back seat door. I stop when I see that there's only one seat left. What?

I look at Stell expecting her to say something. When she finally looks at me, she clears her throat.

"Hm, Luke?" She politely asked.

"Yes my sweat baby sis" he turns to look at her.

"We're twins you idiot" she snaps back.

"Okay okay what?"

"Where's Luna going to sit?" Finally, the question I've been waiting for.


"There's no other places you shit"

"Yes there is"



"On what?" I snap at them.

"Cameron's lap" he doesn't leave anything to discussion as he turns around, buckles his seat belt and starts the car up again.

"What are you talking about?" Surprisingly, I'm calm.

"It's fine right?" I look behind me too Cameron who has both his hands in his front pockets, leaning against the open door.

Holy hell

"I mean, it's just a thirty minute ride. What could go wrong?" Ugh it's like he wants this to happen.

"I'll sit on his lap!" Charlotte speaks up. I didn't invite her, she invited herself. After we told Stella about going to the bar at the cafe, Charlotte just so happened to walk in and ease dropped on us.

"No no." Cameron said after Charlotte tried getting out of her side. "I want Luna too..not you" he mumbles the last part. I'm the only one that heard because he's on my fucking ass, he's so close to me.

"Okay. We got it figured out" before I can say anything, Cameron gets right behind me, I felt his everything. He gently puts his hands on my hips to move me out of the way because I was blocking his way I guess.

After this, he sits down while griping my waist, dragging me down on his lap. I stumble right on top of him, yelping. Oh god

Before I can do anything, he shuts the door and Luke starts driving. Ughhh


I've been in this uncomfortable position for ten minutes while Charlotte and Cameron flirt. More like Charlotte is doing the flirting while Cameron is ignoring her.

Every time I try to move, or make one small movement, he grunts and grips my waist, readjusting me. Not going to lie, it sort of feels good. And I'm not going to lie, I did get a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

What? I haven't been with a guy in forever and I'm ready for tonight.

"Are you ready for tonight Cameron?" even though Charlotte is set away from us. She still so fucking loud for no reason. Stella in the middle of us fell asleep.

"Yup. So excited" Cameron gives her a fake smile, maybe just because he wants to conversation to end. Not being rude, but I went to her voice is really squeaky and I would not like it talking in my ear all the time.

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