{11} forgetting 

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Cameron's POV



"50" I grunt while Luke helps puts the bar back up. I sit up and take a drink of my water.

I pour some on my face and hair cause it's just so fucking hot in here. I run a hand through my hair and blow out a breath and wait to spot Luke as he starts bench pressing.

When he's done we two more times before moving to the next workout.

"So, Luna," Luke looks at me, smirking

I take a glance at him, looking at him weirdly, "what about her" I question, hope he wouldn't mention what went down at the party

I'm sure Luna doesn't remember because she was kinda drunk but I sure as hell remembered. The-and I mean the-best kiss in my entire life. The way our mouths fit perfectly together, the way her hand was in my hair, pulling. The little moans she let out. God, the things I would do to hear them again.

After the kiss, I kid you not I got so hard I couldn't move for an hour trying to make it go away.

I'd love to kiss her again

"The kiss you guys shared, I saw, you liked it didn't you, you little whore" he teases pushing me slightly.

I chuckle as we made it to the inner and outer thigh machines. While he goes to one, I go to the other.

"I don't know man, she hates me so" I breath out "plus, not my type. I prefer blondes" lies. She's hot as hell but I'll never admit that to anyone.

"Yeah, sure man. Whatever you say" he mumbles but loud enough for me to hear.

"Just forget about it. It was nothing" but I don't know if I can forget. I won't forget.


After our workout, my mom called asking if I could have dinner at the house. Haven't seen them in a while so why not.

They don't live far from my college and my place with my roommates, about an hour.

I pull up to the driveway and wait in my car. Well, not waiting, more like....preparing myself. I only have one sister and both my parents but the house just has this tension to it. My mom and dad have been going through stuff. Her always drinking and ruining her life but what the hell it's her life.

Blowing out a breath, I open to car door and walk up to the front door. I knock three times.

Don't know why the fuck I'm knocking I think to myself but then again, I haven't lived here for three years so.

The door opens and Bailey opens the door. Once she sees me she throws herself on me, I chuckle hugging her back.

"I missed you so much. It's been hell here with mom and dad always arguing" she whispers in my ear.

I pull away giving her a well talk about it look and she nods. We both walk in the house to find both my parents sitting on the couch watching tv. Mom with beer in her hand and dad with the controller.

They not turn to see who came and a surprised look showed on both faces.

"Hey son," dad got up and walked towards me. He side hugs me while patting me on the back "didn't know you were coming" he smiles

"Mom asked me" I deadpan.

"O-okay then, let's go eat shall we?" Bailey breaks off the silence which I'm grateful for.

"Yeah come on" I follow both her and dads lead "mom, you coming?" I question when I notice she's still drinking on the couch.

"Be there in a minute" she answers quietly.

I walk away and go into the kitchen. The smell of spaghetti hits my senses.

"Hey so, I cooked your favorite all by myself" Bailey says happily putting down four plates on the table.

"Thanks bales" I smile at her. When we're all seated, mom comes in.

The dinner went by quickly from how quiet it was. By the time I was heading out, mom went back to the couch without a second glance or word to me. Dad hugged and went upstairs.

"Hey so this weekend  can I stay over at yours" Bailey pleaded. She puts her hands up like she's praying "please please please, I won't bother you. You can leave anytime without me, you won't have watch me like a babysitt-" I cut her off.

"Hey, it's fine you can stay the whole weekend. Don't even be scared to ask next time. You know your always welcomed" I laughed when she jumped on me like a bear.

"Thank you thank you thank you" she got off "pick me up after school on Friday?" I nod "great, I'm so happy! We could do out nails and watch movies all day" okay no.

"Okay, I'll see you on Friday. I love you and stay safe Bailey. Call me if anything happens" I start walking to my car when she nods.

An hour later and I'm walking in my front door. I see Taylor and Luke watching a movie in the living room. They both look at me and give me a we can explain look. I wave them off walking up stairs to my room.

After I change, I lay flat on my bed. God I'm exhausted.

I stayed up on my phone for a bit until I decided to go to bed so that's what I did.


Lol, didn't really like this chapter but it's okay. Thanks sm for 200 reads. I really appreciate it so much guys and please vote, it's the star yeah yeah anyways love you guys sm and hope you enjoyed!!

love-kayla ❤️

Word count: 964

Word count: 964

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