{3} furious with only one though on my mind

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Cameron's POV

"Damn it" I groan out as I try to wash the stains of hot chocolate of my white t-shirt. "Is she really that much of a bonehead that she didn't see me?" I mumbled to myself

"Hey, come on she didn't mean it. It was an accident" Luke defends her from right beside me next to the sink.

Right now we are in the men's restroom trying to get this stupid stain off my shirt. My shirts white for god sakes. What was she thinking?

I bet she did that just to get my attention. Or at least that's what most girls do. Yeah.....I'll stick to that settlement.

"Yeah sure.." I say quietly. "She was hot though"

"Okay. Come on Cam, just let it go. She's my sisters friends, I can't mess up that friendly bond thingy we have or Stella will be up my ass" Luke tells me carefully.

I look at him dumbfoundedly "I wasn't going to do or say anything to her....I'll tease her a bit for spilling this shit on me" I wave a hand up and down to where the stain is at.

"Whatever you say....come on we're late to class and we have that fucking test I definitely did not study for" 

I looked at him. Confusion laced on my face now "Luke....our math test" he nods giving me a 'duh' look "that's tomorrow" he shakes his head no "yes. Yes it is."

"Nuh uh" continuing to shake his head.

I cock my head to the side and let out a sigh "Okay let's just go I'm not dealing with this" I walk past him and out the doors.

When he catches up to me, he mighty slaps my shoulder "got any planes tonight" I shook my head "well now you do" I look at him curiously, silenty asking for more information

After a few minutes he finally answers "oh right, sorry, anyways there's a party and we're going" he sent me a tight-lipped smile to which I agree too

As we're walking around campus, I think back to the beautiful girl who spilt fucking hot coco on my shirt, that I'm still wearing. God, she made me so furious but once I looked in her eyes? Oh my lord they were the most alluring, moonlight color eyes I've ever seen. Just absolutely stunning. Her face too, perfect jaw, full kissable lips that are hard to resist, her shade of brown hair. God. Just everything. Everything fucking thing about her was attractive and captivating.

God, she's so fucking annoying. I don't even know her and I already don't like her? Welp sucks for her.

"You okay man?" Luke asked me, bring me out of my daze.

"Yeah, just thinking about the party and how shit-faced drunk I'll get" I let out a chuckle

Finally reaching my car. Both me and Luke hop in, him getting in the passenger seat. As I pull out of the parking lot, I notice a familiar brunette sitting down, looking like she's studying, sitting under a tree. I immediately knew it was that girl Luna.

Luna. God, her name is even beautiful.

She quickly looks up when a girl approaches her. Smiling they start talking and for some reason, I want to know what there talking about. What that girl is saying to her. Actually, no. I don't want to know. I don't like her. 'Get that in your head' I tell myself.

Driving away I take a quick glance at Luke. "What do you about that Luna girl?"

He looks at me suspiciously "nothing really, just that she's friends with Stella. Why you asking"

"No reason. Just wondering" I quickly say

"Weird but okay" he starts to mess with the radio "let listen to some Taylor Swift" right when he says that 'Style' starts playing.

While Luke is blasting and singing terribly to Taylor Swift, I continue my drive to our apartment that we share with Nick, another one of my friends.

Pulling up, I park, turn the car of and get out. Walking up the steps I unlock the door, rush to my room and walk towards the bathroom.

I took my cloths off, start the shower and get in. I turn the shower off once I'm done, wrap a towel around my waist and walk back to my room.

I found and pair of sweats and threw them on, not bothering to put a shirt on. I lay face down on my bed and decide to take a nap until the party tonight.


Hey guys!!! Sorry for the really short chapter but it did feel kinda weird writing a guys POV but I'll get better so trust the process.

<Thanks so much for reading>

love - kayla ❤️

Word count: 801

Word count: 801

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