{22} "Fuck you"

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Luna's POV

When I wake up from my nap, the first thing I do is check my phone to see the time. Eight pm. I sit up and push my covers off of me. I rub my eyes to make me more awake and I get up from my bed.

I hear music coming from the living room so I go there to see what's going on.

My shirt was really big on my and it covered my ass so I didn't care to put pants on, the girls are the only ones that should be here anyways and they've seen me in less clothing.

I was right about them being the only ones here as I saw Taylor making drinks on the dining table and Stella on the living room floor doing her make up.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Stell smiles before getting up and giving me a hug. "We've missed you, you're still going out with us right? Please you promised" She pouts her lips.

"Yes, I still plan on going out. The bar right?" I question as I sit on the couch.

"Yes, the juju bar" Taylor says as the brings the drinks over to us and Stella sits back down, finishing her make up.

Juju bar is a local bar for all the college students. It's always filled with the hockey team and others so I'm not quite happy about going there. But it'll be okay, we'll all have fun and that's what counts.

"When are we leaving?" I ask as Taylor sits on my lap, like there isn't a whole ass couch she can sit on, it's okay though.

"I think in like thirty minutes so you better hurry" Stella reply's after taking a shot.

Taylor gets off me and I get up off the couch going into my room. After closing the door I take a deep breath and open my closet door. I search through all my dresses and nothing. I search all my tops, nothing. Nothing for tonight I mean, I want to go all out.

For crying out pout this is my junior year of COLLEGE. I need to be way more out there. I should've had tons of boyfriends by now. Or maybe not because I'm not that interesting but it's okay, one day.

I leave my room and go into the living room. Tay must have something for me to wear. I go into her bedroom because she wasn't in the living room, when I open the door, I see Taylor on top of Luke. What the fuck, again?

When they heard me open the door, she threw herself off of him and fell off her bed, she quickly got up and pulled me into her room shutting the door.

"Have you guys told her yet? And what are you doing here? I thought this was going to be a girls night" I question.

"No no, we haven't don't her yet" Just when I was about to say something else, Taylor shuts my mouth with her hand. I give her a really? And she shrugs.

"We were going to but we haven't had a good chance to, it's hard okay so cut us some slack" Taylor removes her hand.

"Okay I'm sorry, I just don't want her to find out and get mad at me because I knew all along and didn't tell her" I look at Luke to see him sticking his tongue out at me.

"She won't trust me. Just give us more time" She pleads.

"Of course, I'm sorry for getting myself into your situation or business sorry" I hug her.

"Stop apologizing you have nothing to be sorry about" She hugs me back. "Was there something you wanted? We were kind in the middle of-" She trails off.

"SEX" Luke whispers very loudly.

"OH YES-yes sorry um, I was going to ask if maybe you had something for me to wear tonight? I can't find anything sexy" I ask.

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