{9} spin the bottle

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Luna's POV

"Let's play doing the bottle" Charlotte says cheerfully throwing her hands in the air.

Um I think not.

"You guys can but I'm not" I say casually, not wanting the attention on me. Taylor looks at me but I wave her off.

We came down here because it was more deserted and quiet but I guess I was wrong. Stella, Taylor, Nick and I were here sitting at a round table when people started coming in. By people, I mean, Luke, Cameron, the birthday girl and this other girl who I do not know. When they all sat by us, that same girl sat really close to Cameron.

Hmm, wonder if they are something.

Doesn't matter if they were. It's not my business.

"Ugh, come on. Pleaseeeeeee. For my birthday?" Charlotte whines. Um girl I don't even know you.

I look around the room. Stella and Taylor both give me a thumbs up, I smile to that but when I look at Cameron's direction, that girl has her hand on his thigh. Well, I think so because I can't really see but it looks like it.

He looks over at me and I look away so quick I'm glad I didn't break my neck. A little ting of jealousy swarmed in my stomach.

Jealousy? Really?

Oh shut up. No I hate him.

"Okay, yeah I'll do it" I smiled at Charlotte, she lets out a 'yay', drinks the rest of her beer and sets the empty bottle on the table.

At this point, like three more people joined. Two guys and one girl.

"Okay who's going first?" Charlotte asked. She looks around the table. "You" she points at Nick. "It's my birthday so I choose first" she hands him the bottle.

He looks around before spinning the bottle. It's spins and spins until it stops. At Stella. They both look at each other, Stella smiles crawling to him. When they're face to face. Nick starts talking "we don't have to if you don-" he was cut of by Stella grabbing his face and kissing him.

After like two minutes, they break apart breathing heavily. Both blushing. Awwww how cute.

Stella comes back to her original spot and grabs the bottle spinning it. It lands on one of the guys who I don't know. She hurries over there giving him a quick peck. Not like with Nick's kiss. The guy spins the bottle...

This game is getting pretty boring. It's like twenty minutes later and I haven't had to kiss anyone which is amazing. I really didn't want to. I totally blocked everything out until I saw Cameron kissing a girl that came with those boys. It was quick and not anything special but still, I wasn't happy about it.

It's Cameron's turn to spin. He glances at me before spinning it. Oh god. The bottle landed on me. Everyone looks between us.

"Um, I don't think I wanna play this anymore" I say, standing up.

"Oh my god, just kiss him. What's the worst that can happen?" Charlotte rolls her eyes.

"She doesn't have to just leave her alone" Cameron also stands up and gets right up on me.

"Hey. We don't have to if you don't want to" he says looking into my eyes. I look down and at everyone. Taylor and Stella are giving me looks that say 'kiss him' but I don't know.

With this silence, Cameron decides to grab my face with both his hands "look at me" I do just that. "You can do it. It's just one kiss. Can I kiss you?" I look into his eyes. He looks so beautiful right now and he's looking at me like I'm special. I don't have any control in my body for anything so I just nod my head.

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